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SOMA Gear Wheel for Beaded Chain, spare part

Availability: Stoc
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Spare gear wheel for the mechanism of the SOMA Smart Shades 2 automatic controller.
Designed to control the window shades with a beaded chain.

Disponibilitate in stoc: Stoc (Mai mult de 5 bucăți)

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Soma Smart Home logo

The SOMA Smart Home brand was actually created by an accident when Wazombi Labs engineers moved to larger offices, where they needed to control a number of large blinds more efficiently. Success came soon, as the first types of automatic shade controllers from 2015 were reliable and functional. Further improvements arose mainly from the experience and observations of users, whose satisfaction has been the main goal of the SOMA team from the beginning. The brand currently operates mainly in the USA, the UK, Canada and Australia and is becoming popular in Europe as well.