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iHealth EGS-2003 Test Strips For iHealth Glucometer

Availability: Stoc
Product code
Single-use test strips iHealth EGS-2003 for the iHealth GLUCO+ BG5S smart blood glucose testing system.

The package contains 50 pcs of test strips for personal blood glucose measurement.

- New type of test strips with longer expiration – expires 5 months after opening the package
- Resists oxidation better
- Get accurate measurement results over a longer period of time
- There is no need to read the QR code when opening a new package
- New version in blue colour

Disponibilitate in stoc: Stoc (Mai mult de 5 bucăți)

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intre 2 si 3 saptamani
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The test strips are calibrated to measure blood glucose from capillary blood to an amount approximately equal to the size of the pinhead. It is recommended to wash your hands carefully or disinfect the collection point before each collection.

Test strips parameters

  • Compatible with iHealth GLUCO BG5 smart glucometer and GLUCO+ BG5S smart glucometer
  • Value range: 1,1 mmol/L až 33.3 mmol/L
  • Designed for capillary blood measurements of at least 0.7 µl
  • Store strips at temperatures between 4 ° C and 30 ° C and 10% ~ 85% RH
  • Use at 10 ° C - 35 ° C
  • Test strips expire 90 days after first opening of the package
  • Package contains 2 ampoules of 25 pcs
  • Use only one type of strip in iHealth Gluco-Smart app to maintain measurement accuracy

  • Take full advantage of the smart glucose testing system with the app

  • iHealth Gluco-Smart app can be downloaded free for smartphones
  • Compatible with GLUCO+ BG5S smart glucometer
  • Checks for the number of strips remaining in the opened package
  • Displays the stripe opening date and expiration date
  • If necessary, it will help you in all steps in glucose measurement

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    iHealth is the world leader in the development of smart medical devices. All iHealth products are certified for medical use. The goal is to develop innovative and easy-to-use personal medical aids that connect to the data storage and use free applications for a more comprehensive view of your health. Many iHealth products include blood pressure monitors, glucometers, analytical scales, and pulse oximeters.