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tomtoc Sleeve - 12,9" iPad Pro, Dark Blue
You can't miss the stylish sleeve from tomtoc for the 12.9" iPad Pro. When choosing a sleeve, we are often faced with a frustrating choice - a case that effectively provides security for the device, but is not very attractive to look at, or has a fashionable design, but significantly lacking in protective features. If you've been despairing over this situation too, we've got great news for you - tomtoc has launched its new range of iPad discounts to meet even the most demanding requirements.
Introducing an infinitely sleek, lightweight slim fit case that will be a joy to carry around. The minimalist design hides cutting-edge elements that protect your accessories like modern-day armor. They're dominated by shock-resistant padding, soft fleece material inside the main storage pocket, and extra-resistant waterproof fabric on its top. So critical drops and shocks, scratches, dust and dirt, moisture, even rain won't come to your iPad otherwise. For a chassis without the slightest damage and, above all, data preservation, you couldn't ask for a handier sidekick.
Since it can be handy to have other small accessories on hand, a smaller external pocket will make you happy. This offers plenty of storage space for your charger, data cables, headphones or simply your keys and wallet. All these essentials will be easily accessible without adding bulk to the sleeve or making carrying it uncomfortable.
Note: Product pictures are illustrative. Product may have slight colour variations in handles, straps and other accessories compared to the pictures shown.
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tomtoc Sleeve - 10,9" iPad / 11" iPad Pro, Grey
The stylish sleeve from tomtoc for the 10.9" iPad Air and 11" iPad Pro is a must-have. When choosing a sleeve, we are often faced with a frustrating choice - a case that effectively provides security for the device, but is not very attractive to look at, or has a fashionable design, but therefore significantly lacking in protective features. If you've been despairing over this situation too, we've got great news for you - tomtoc has launched its new range of iPad discounts to meet even the most demanding requirements.
Introducing an infinitely sleek, lightweight slim fit case that will be a joy to carry around. The minimalist design hides cutting-edge elements that protect your accessories like modern-day armor. They're dominated by shock-resistant padding, soft fleece material inside the main storage pocket, and extra-resistant waterproof fabric on its top. So critical drops and shocks, scratches, dust and dirt, moisture, even rain won't come to your iPad otherwise. For a chassis without the slightest damage and, above all, data preservation, you couldn't ask for a handier sidekick.
Since it can be handy to have other small accessories on hand, a smaller external pocket will make you happy. This offers plenty of storage space for your charger, data cables, headphones or simply your keys and wallet. All these essentials will be easily accessible without adding bulk to the sleeve and making carrying it uncomfortable.
Note: Product photos are illustrative. Product may have minor colour variations in handles, straps and other accessories compared to the pictures shown.
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tomtoc Sleeve - 10,9" iPad / 11" iPad Pro, Light Grey
The stylish sleeve from tomtoc for the 10.9" iPad Air and 11" iPad Pro is a must-have. When choosing a sleeve, we are often faced with a frustrating choice - a case that effectively provides security for the device, but is not very attractive to look at, or has a fashionable design, but therefore significantly lacking in protective features. If you've been despairing over this situation too, we've got great news for you - tomtoc has launched its new range of iPad discounts to meet even the most demanding requirements.
Introducing an infinitely sleek, lightweight slim fit case that will be a joy to carry around. The minimalist design hides cutting-edge elements that protect your accessories like modern-day armor. They're dominated by shock-resistant padding, soft fleece material inside the main storage pocket, and extra-resistant waterproof fabric on its top. So critical drops and shocks, scratches, dust and dirt, moisture, even rain won't come to your iPad otherwise. For a chassis without the slightest damage and, above all, data preservation, you couldn't ask for a handier sidekick.
Since it can be handy to have other small accessories on hand, a smaller external pocket will make you happy. This offers plenty of storage space for your charger, data cables, headphones or simply your keys and wallet. All these essentials will be easily accessible without adding bulk to the sleeve and making carrying it uncomfortable.
Note: Product photos are illustrative. Product may have minor colour variations in handles, straps and other accessories compared to the pictures shown.
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tomtoc Sleeve - 10,9" iPad / 11" iPad Pro, Dark Blue
The stylish sleeve from tomtoc for the 10.9" iPad Air and 11" iPad Pro is a must-have. When choosing a sleeve, we are often faced with a frustrating choice - a case that effectively provides security for the device, but is not very attractive to look at, or has a fashionable design, but therefore significantly lacking in protective features. If you've been despairing over this situation too, we've got great news for you - tomtoc has launched its new range of iPad discounts to meet even the most demanding requirements.
Introducing an infinitely sleek, lightweight slim fit case that will be a joy to carry around. The minimalist design hides cutting-edge elements that protect your accessories like modern-day armor. They're dominated by shock-resistant padding, soft fleece material inside the main storage pocket, and extra-resistant waterproof fabric on its top. So critical drops and shocks, scratches, dust and dirt, moisture, even rain won't come to your iPad otherwise. For a chassis without the slightest damage and, above all, data preservation, you couldn't ask for a handier sidekick.
Since it can be handy to have other small accessories on hand, a smaller external pocket will make you happy. This offers plenty of storage space for your charger, data cables, headphones or simply your keys and wallet. All these essentials will be easily accessible without adding bulk to the sleeve and making carrying it uncomfortable.
Note: Product photos are illustrative. Product may have minor colour variations in handles, straps and other accessories compared to the pictures shown.
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tomtoc FancyCase - iPad 12.9" , Black
Do you have a day full of work meetings ahead of you? Or are you going to enjoy a weekend full of fun? Whatever reason you have to travel with your iPad, this stylish new product from tomtoc will ensure its safety.
The materials and components used are of the highest quality to withstand everyday stress, as well as more serious accidents in the form of falls and spilled liquids. In addition to fantastic protection against damage to your tablet, it also offers generous storage space for all technical accessories including cables, hubs, USB flash drives, SD cards and similar essentials. The internal organizer helps you find a place for each gadget either in the mesh pockets or on the flap with elastic segments.
Despite the emphasis on functionality, the bag impresses at first glance with its elegant design. The prominent built-in handle allows you to conveniently carry it like a small case. But Tomtoc didn't forget to add a removable shoulder strap to keep your hands free.
Note: Product photos are illustrative. The handle, straps and other details may have minor colour differences compared to the images shown.
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Nevox Vario Series case for iPad Air 10.9" (4. Generation) - Gray
Elegant design, premium materials and high user practicality - this is the Vario Series Book Case for iPad AIR 10.9“ by NEVOX.
The variability of the case offers several positions of the front flap. Thanks to the integrated recess on the Apple Pencil, you have all the components at hand. The front flap contains a magnetic insert - the flap does not open on its own and the iPad starts automatically when opened.
The combination of high-quality materials will ensure perfect protection for your iPad. The inner layer made of thermoplastic polyurethane completes the outer polyurethane shell, which is very pleasant to the touch and lasts for many years like new.
• Variability
• Stylish design
• Premium materials
• For iPad AIR 4th generation
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LAUT Work Station – Laptop / Tablet Stand, Black
The universal folding stand LAUT is a reliable accessory for working with a tablet or laptop. Thanks to the elaborate design, you can pack the stand in a compact and lightweight case that fits in a bag or backpack.
Whether you are in a cafe or at work, the LAUT stand will help you set your tablet or laptop in 8 ergonomic positions. The stand is compatible with all types of tablets and is ideal for 12" to 17" laptops.
The stand is fully portable and can be folded into a pocket size with a simple movement. High-quality rivets ensure flawless operation and the stand is durable against everyday wear thanks to the all-metal machined aluminum construction.
• 8 working angles
• Anti-slip rubber feet
• Machined aluminium construction
• Designed for tablets and 12"–17" laptops
• Travel case
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aXtion™ Bold pro iPad mini Retina - Black/Black
Ballistic Aspira Series pro iPad mini/mini Retina kombinuje minimální rozměry s vysokou mírou ochrany a elegantním designem. Přes velmi malé rozměry, zajišťuje relatině velmi vysokou odolnost proti pádům, otřesům nebo poškrábání. Povrchová úprava s vysokým leskem, výběr barev a vzorů z něj činí výrazně designovou záležitost. V obalu Aspira Series se iPad mini vejde všude tam, kam by se vešel i samotný. Přitom je v bezpečí dvouvrstvé technologie Ballistic včetně značně zesíleného krytí rohů proti pádům.
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JOY aXtion Edge M for iPad Pro 10.5
JOY aXtion Edge M je nejtenčí obal svého druhu – zajistí vašemu iPadu zvýšenou ochranu při nárazu integrovanou do tenkého obalu, který ukrývá i další chytré funkce, jako je například patentovaná montážní technologie JOY MagConnect.
Technologie MagConnect umožňuje snadnou montáž a demontáž tabletu na kterémkoli z držáků JOY MagConnect. Samotné pouzdro je vyrobeno s materiálem EVA absorbujícím nárazy. Váš iPad je chráněn, zatímco všechny jeho funkce, porty a tlačítka zůstávají neomezeně přístupné.
Přestože je Edge M přesně tvarované ochranné pouzdro, je dostatečně flexibilní i pro instalaci chrániče obrazovky z PET filmu.
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JOY MagConnect™ - Back Cover for iPad Pro 12.9” 3rd Gen
Ultra tenký, lehký zadní kryt kompatibilní s držáky tablet MagConnect na iPad Pro 12,9 (3. generace).
Zadní kryt tabletu MagConnect pro iPad Pro 12,9 je prvním krokem k vyjádření inovativní profesionality při používání vašeho iPadu. Elegantní a odolný kryt je kompatibilní s držáky JOY MagConnect, takže kromě ochrany iPadu zajistí i jeho snadné použití například v autě, v kanceláři, na konferenčním stole, nebo kdekoliv jinde potřebujete iPad pohodlně upevnit a napolohovat.
Tenký profil a promyšlený design zaručuje rychlou a snadnou použitelnost krytu při nasazování nebo vyjímání iPadu. Kryt chrání zadní část zařízení před poškrábáním, ať už s držákem nebo bez něj.
Kromě držáku lze na kryt uchytit i univerzální popruh na ruku, který vám umožní držet iPad bezpečně a pohodlně v ruce. Nastavitelný popruh na ruku je opatřený otočným konektorem, který umožňuje snadný přechod mezi pozicemi na výšku a na šířku, aniž byste museli vyjmout ruku.
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JOY aXtion Bold™ MP-Series, Rugged Water-Resistant Case for iPad Air. (Black)
Obal JOY aXtion Bold™ MP přináší a kombinuje ochranu v podobě robustního pouzdra, tenkého profilu a designu, a to společně s pokročilými funkcemi, které nikde jinde nenajdete. Díky praktickému držáku na ruku můžete s vaším iPadem libovolně otáčet do stran či ho připojit k profesionálním držákům od The Joy Factory se systémem MagConnect™. Skvěle se tak hodí do těžkého průmyslu, zdravotnictví či gastronomie. Obal se přitom může pochlubit plnou vojenskou ochranou a standardem MIL-STD-810. Ten obsahuje širokou škálu testovacích procedur, kterými si kryt musel projít. Váš iPad tak bez problémů přežije pád z výšky, odolá vysokým či nízkým teplotám, prachu, dešti nebo písku.
Displej vašeho drahocenného zařízení chrání integrované sklo, které odolá jakýmkoliv škábancům. Vývojáři z JOY mysleli i na ochranu TouchID tlačítka, které je pokryté a zároveň chráněné super citlivým filmem. V praxi také oceníte praktický stojánek, který je integrovaný přímo v těle obalu. Samozřejmostí je i ochrana čočky fotoaparátu a dalších konektorů. Co víc si přát?
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JOY aXtion Bold™ MP-Series, Water-Resistant Case, MagConnect™ Mount Touch ID for iPad Air 2 (Black/Black)
Obal JOY aXtion Bold™ MP přináší a kombinuje ochranu v podobě robustního pouzdra, tenkého profilu a designu, a to společně s pokročilými funkcemi, které nikde jinde nenajdete. Díky praktickému držáku na ruku můžete s vaším iPadem libovolně otáčet do stran či ho připojit k profesionálním držákům od The Joy Factory se systémem MagConnect™. Skvěle se tak hodí do těžkého průmyslu, zdravotnictví či gastronomie. Obal se přitom může pochlubit plnou vojenskou ochranou a standardem MIL-STD-810. Ten obsahuje širokou škálu testovacích procedur, kterými si kryt musel projít. Váš iPad tak bez problémů přežije pád z výšky, odolá vysokým či nízkým teplotám, prachu, dešti nebo písku.
Displej vašeho drahocenného zařízení chrání integrované sklo, které odolá jakýmkoliv škábancům. Vývojáři z JOY mysleli i na ochranu TouchID tlačítka, které je pokryté a zároveň chráněné super citlivým filmem. V praxi také oceníte praktický stojánek, který je integrovaný přímo v těle obalu. Samozřejmostí je i ochrana čočky fotoaparátu a dalších konektorů. Co víc si přát?
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