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JOY aXtion Edge M for iPad Pro 10.5
JOY aXtion Edge M je nejtenčí obal svého druhu – zajistí vašemu iPadu zvýšenou ochranu při nárazu integrovanou do tenkého obalu, který ukrývá i další chytré funkce, jako je například patentovaná montážní technologie JOY MagConnect.
Technologie MagConnect umožňuje snadnou montáž a demontáž tabletu na kterémkoli z držáků JOY MagConnect. Samotné pouzdro je vyrobeno s materiálem EVA absorbujícím nárazy. Váš iPad je chráněn, zatímco všechny jeho funkce, porty a tlačítka zůstávají neomezeně přístupné.
Přestože je Edge M přesně tvarované ochranné pouzdro, je dostatečně flexibilní i pro instalaci chrániče obrazovky z PET filmu.
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JOY MagConnect™ - Back Case for iPad Mini 4
V případě, že máte doma iPad Mini 4 a některý z revolučních JOY držáků se systémem MagConnect™, neobejdete se bez JOY MagConnect™ - Back Case pro iPad Mini 4. Ten jediný vám zaručí, že svůj iPad připevníte do držáku od The Joy Factory. Patentovaná technologie MagConnect™ patří mezi vyspělé produkty, která nabízí bezpečné a snadné spojení iPadu a držáku. Stačí jen iPad umístit do obalu a připevnit. Samozřejmostí je plný přístup ke všem ovládacím tlačítkům, fotoaparátu a reproduktorům.
JOY MagConnect™ - Back Case pro iPad Mini 4 je navržen tak, aby spolupracoval se všemi držáky MagConnect™. Na iPadu přitom můžete mít nasazený i ochranný kryt Apple Smart Cover. Tvrdá záda krytu vyrobená z umělé kůže chrání iPad před poškrábáním. Tablet lze kdykoliv z držáku sundat a používat samostatně s nasazeným krytem.
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JOY MagConnect™ - Back Cover for iPad Pro 12.9” 3rd Gen
Ultra tenký, lehký zadní kryt kompatibilní s držáky tablet MagConnect na iPad Pro 12,9 (3. generace).
Zadní kryt tabletu MagConnect pro iPad Pro 12,9 je prvním krokem k vyjádření inovativní profesionality při používání vašeho iPadu. Elegantní a odolný kryt je kompatibilní s držáky JOY MagConnect, takže kromě ochrany iPadu zajistí i jeho snadné použití například v autě, v kanceláři, na konferenčním stole, nebo kdekoliv jinde potřebujete iPad pohodlně upevnit a napolohovat.
Tenký profil a promyšlený design zaručuje rychlou a snadnou použitelnost krytu při nasazování nebo vyjímání iPadu. Kryt chrání zadní část zařízení před poškrábáním, ať už s držákem nebo bez něj.
Kromě držáku lze na kryt uchytit i univerzální popruh na ruku, který vám umožní držet iPad bezpečně a pohodlně v ruce. Nastavitelný popruh na ruku je opatřený otočným konektorem, který umožňuje snadný přechod mezi pozicemi na výšku a na šířku, aniž byste museli vyjmout ruku.
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JOY aXtion Bold™ MP-Series, Rugged Water-Resistant Case for iPad Air. (Black)
Obal JOY aXtion Bold™ MP přináší a kombinuje ochranu v podobě robustního pouzdra, tenkého profilu a designu, a to společně s pokročilými funkcemi, které nikde jinde nenajdete. Díky praktickému držáku na ruku můžete s vaším iPadem libovolně otáčet do stran či ho připojit k profesionálním držákům od The Joy Factory se systémem MagConnect™. Skvěle se tak hodí do těžkého průmyslu, zdravotnictví či gastronomie. Obal se přitom může pochlubit plnou vojenskou ochranou a standardem MIL-STD-810. Ten obsahuje širokou škálu testovacích procedur, kterými si kryt musel projít. Váš iPad tak bez problémů přežije pád z výšky, odolá vysokým či nízkým teplotám, prachu, dešti nebo písku.
Displej vašeho drahocenného zařízení chrání integrované sklo, které odolá jakýmkoliv škábancům. Vývojáři z JOY mysleli i na ochranu TouchID tlačítka, které je pokryté a zároveň chráněné super citlivým filmem. V praxi také oceníte praktický stojánek, který je integrovaný přímo v těle obalu. Samozřejmostí je i ochrana čočky fotoaparátu a dalších konektorů. Co víc si přát?
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JOY aXtion Bold™ MP-Series, Water-Resistant Case, MagConnect™ Mount Touch ID for iPad Air 2 (Black/Black)
Obal JOY aXtion Bold™ MP přináší a kombinuje ochranu v podobě robustního pouzdra, tenkého profilu a designu, a to společně s pokročilými funkcemi, které nikde jinde nenajdete. Díky praktickému držáku na ruku můžete s vaším iPadem libovolně otáčet do stran či ho připojit k profesionálním držákům od The Joy Factory se systémem MagConnect™. Skvěle se tak hodí do těžkého průmyslu, zdravotnictví či gastronomie. Obal se přitom může pochlubit plnou vojenskou ochranou a standardem MIL-STD-810. Ten obsahuje širokou škálu testovacích procedur, kterými si kryt musel projít. Váš iPad tak bez problémů přežije pád z výšky, odolá vysokým či nízkým teplotám, prachu, dešti nebo písku.
Displej vašeho drahocenného zařízení chrání integrované sklo, které odolá jakýmkoliv škábancům. Vývojáři z JOY mysleli i na ochranu TouchID tlačítka, které je pokryté a zároveň chráněné super citlivým filmem. V praxi také oceníte praktický stojánek, který je integrovaný přímo v těle obalu. Samozřejmostí je i ochrana čočky fotoaparátu a dalších konektorů. Co víc si přát?
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JOY aXtion Bold™, Rugged Water-resistant Case w/ Built-in Screen Protector, Touch ID for iPad Air 2 (Black/Black)
Obal JOY aXtion Bold™ pro iPad Air 2 je robustní pouzdro, které kombinuje maximální ochranu s funkčním designem. Kryt se může pochlubit plnou vojenskou ochranou a standardem MIL-STD-810. Ten obsahuje širokou škálu testovacích procedur, kterými si kryt musel projít. Váš iPad tak bez problémů přežije pád z výšky, odolá vysokým či nízkým teplotám, prachu, dešti nebo písku. iPad si přitom zachovává svoji eleganci, nízkou hmotnost a samozřejmě i použitelnost. Obal klidně můžete postříkat vodou, takže není jediný důvod proč si ho nevzít například s sebou do kuchyně, na pracoviště či do učebny chemie a fyziky.
Díky vojenské odolnosti se také skvěle hodí do těžkého průmyslu. Displej vašeho drahocenného zařízení chrání integrované sklo, které odolá jakýmkoliv škábancům. Vývojáři z JOY mysleli i na ochranu TouchID tlačítka, které je pokryté a zároveň chráněné super citlivým filmem. Samozřejmostí je i ochrana čočky fotoaparátu a dalších konektorů.
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Acopower 193Wh Power bank for LiONCooler/LiONCooler Mini
Acopower is a specialist in off-grid and portable energy solutions. Its flagship products are the LiONCooler portable refrigerators and freezers, which will make your stay in the wilderness more enjoyable without the need to connect to the electricity main socket.
To really enjoy their capabilities to the full, you can't do without this Acopower power bank with an impressive 193 Wh capacity. You can recharge it with the help of a solar panel, a car battery or via a conventional AC socket.
But the battery is not only used in conjunction with the portable refrigerator. It can seamlessly replace a conventional power bank and supply juice to your smart devices whenever and wherever you need it. Attention, Acopower has even equipped it with a built-in LED flashlight, which can come in handy not only when camping.
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Heat it - insect bite healer, Lightning smartphones
The smallest medically certified product for skin treatment after insect bites. Minimal in size, yet smarter and full of features that larger competing devices lack. That's Heat-It!
Itchy bites from mosquitoes or wasps can ruin even the best summer hike, family barbecue, or romantic dinner under the stars. Get reliable and handy relief! No, we're not talking about the often smelly little effective creams. Rely on the smart solution of Heat-it. Plug this little helper into your smartphone and turn it on with an app. Heat the sting area to a temperature of 51°C in seconds and the scratching is over. Yes, it's that simple.
This chemical-free, topical treatment for stings is scientifically approved. The short heat pulse reduces the transmission of stimuli to the nerves and the itch signal cannot be transmitted properly. The itching sensation disappears and you can keep on enjoying a scratch-free summer.
The whole process takes 4, 7, or 9 seconds depending on the setting. It is controlled by an app with 12 personalized modes for treating adults and children as young as 3 years old. The Heat-it weighs only 4 grams, so you can carry it everywhere with you, like a keychain. With a full phone battery, it lasts up to 1,000 uses - enough for you, your family, and friends. It can be applied to mosquito bites, bees, wasps, and horseflies.
• The treatment takes a maximum of 9 seconds
• Suitable for children from 3 years of age
• 12 personalized treatment programs
• Scientifically approved
• Certified for the EU as an official medical device
• No external batteries
• Compatible with iPhone 6S up to 14 (Lightning connector)
• Chemical-free treatment using only heat
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Hyper® 4K USB-C to HDMI Cable - White
Connect your USB-C device to a 4K60Hz display and enjoy fantastic quality content. You can share and enjoy media in crystal clear quality without using an adapter, installing additional software, or a driver. This universal cable from Hyper is all you need.
It was designed to support all USB-C-enabled electronics and major operating systems seamlessly. So you can easily share media and content from the latest iPhone, any MacBook, Android laptop, tablet, or portable gaming device. Whether you use the connection to a 4K monitor at home or in the office, for streaming, gaming, or enhanced video editing - put the limits behind you. The extra cable length also contributes to carefree use. Its 2.5 meters gives you invaluable freedom and flexibility when connecting your devices.
The USB-C to HDMI cable features a braided nylon and PVC jacket. Successful testing with more than 25,000 bends only underscores its exceptional durability. You can also rely on the seamless functionality of the HDMI and USB-C connectors. In addition, they contain 85% recycled plastics.
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Robobloq Coding Express Stickers
A ride with the Robobloq smart train can be even more adventurous! A set of 19 induction stickers will help you expand the track's possibilities and make the most of the cute express's features. Each one will program it to perform a different task - change direction or speed, or play a sound. A unique light signal also corresponds to each action. Thanks to these distinctive sensory perceptions and attractive colour design, even the little ones will enjoy playing with them!
The stickers are reusable and can be easily changed again and again. The functions of the individual pieces are expressed by the labels, always accompanied by a small, concise picture. Children don't even need to be able to read in order to immediately understand and master the commands.
Various fun effects teach children the basics of robotics and coding, stimulating their creativity, imagination and sense of working in a group. They allow them to learn and develop in the most natural and enjoyable way, i.e. through play. The large number of stickers, the variability of their commands and the endless possibilities of their combinations will not give boredom a chance!
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Real Racer - Blue
Become a pilot of a cool car! Everyone knows that remote control cars are fun, but Kobotix has raised the bar even higher with Real Racer! Real Racer puts you in the driver's seat and lets you experience every detail, pothole, twist, turn and 360-degree rotation with the help of a video feed from the car. The clever companion app also lets you record videos, take photos from the race and even show off your driving skills live on your favourite streaming platforms. The app also offers several video filters that instantly transform the world you're driving your car through. Finally, some fun!
Real Racer can really turn it up a notch - it'll top out at up to 15 km/h! Thanks to all-wheel drive and independent suspension, the car remains perfectly stable even at high speeds. The integrated on-board gyroscope helps you stay on track even in the sharpest turns or on the slipperiest surfaces. The car is powered by rechargeable batteries with 25 minutes of driving time per charge.
Unique Real Racer features just for you! :
• Speed up to 15 km/h!
• Integrated on-board gyroscope
• 25 minutes of driving time per charge
• Independent all-wheel suspension
• Minimal latency and HD video resolution
• Video filters directly in the app
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Hyper® EcoSmart™ Gen.2 USB-C 4-in-1 Hub 100W PD Pass-thru
Stylish, compact and with all the ports you need - that's the new Hyper® EcoSmart™ Gen.2 USB-C 4-in-1 Hub 100W PD Pass-thru for MacBooks, Chromebooks and other USB-C devices. It lets you expand with a total of 4 additional ports: USB-C Power Delivery 100 W PD 3.0, USB-C 10 Gbps USB 3.2, USB-A 10 Gbps USB 3.2, HDMI 4K 60 Hz.
Thanks to the HDMI output, you can connect your computer to an external monitor or projector and enjoy stunning 4K resolution at 60Hz. For your smooth workflow or entertainment, you'll also appreciate the high-speed 10 Gbps data transfer. USB-C Power Delivery technology with 100W of power takes care of that in a flash.
Style lovers will love this hub with its sleek, minimalist design. Clean lines and a colour that blends perfectly with Apple products make it such a little jewel among your smart accessories.
Main advantages:
• USB-C Power Delivery 100 W PD 3.0
• USB-C 10 Gbps USB 3.2
• USB-A 10 Gbps USB 3.2
• HDMI výstup 4K při 60 Hz
• Sustainability without compromise: 100% recyclable aluminum
• Compatible with Windows, macOS, Chrome OS
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Real Racer - Red
Become a pilot of a cool car! Everyone knows that remote control cars are fun, but Kobotix has raised the bar even higher with Real Racer! Real Racer puts you in the driver's seat and lets you experience every detail, pothole, twist, turn and 360-degree rotation with the help of a video feed from the car. The clever companion app also lets you record videos, take photos from the race and even show off your driving skills live on your favourite streaming platforms. The app also offers several video filters that instantly transform the world you're driving your car through. Finally, some fun!
Real Racer can really turn it up a notch - it'll top out at up to 15 km/h! Thanks to all-wheel drive and independent suspension, the car remains perfectly stable even at high speeds. The integrated on-board gyroscope helps you stay on track even in the sharpest turns or on the slipperiest surfaces. The car is powered by rechargeable batteries with 25 minutes of driving time per charge.
Unique Real Racer features just for you! :
• Speed up to 15 km/h!
• Integrated on-board gyroscope
• 25 minutes of driving time per charge
• Independent all-wheel suspension
• Minimal latency and HD video resolution
• Video filters directly in the app
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Acefast T8 Crystal Bluetooth earbuds, lotus pink
Say goodbye to boredom! Acefast wireless headphones enter the scene with an unmistakable futuristic design. It is no toy! Their clean sound will absorb you, the excellent noise reduction will literally shock you, and the fast charging and fantastic durability will crush even the last argument of all doubters.
Enjoy music in excellent quality even in noisy environments. The earphones are equipped with a double vibrating membrane, so you will be able to enjoy clear high tones and deep bass. What's more, thanks to the effective SVE noise cancellation technology, you can enjoy undisturbed calls even on a crowded bus. Leave your phone in your pocket. You can adjust the volume, browse the playlist, answer or end the call directly on the earphones thanks to the touch control.
The voluminous battery of the headphones allows up to 7 hours of listening to music or 4 hours of phone calls. You will replenish their energy reserves in no time. It only takes 10 minutes and you can re-immerse yourself in the atmosphere of your favourite songs for another 2 hours! The three-dimensional LED display of the charging case will keep you informed about the status of the battery and charging. We owe the low power consumption to the support of Bluetooth 5.3 technology. Among other things, this ensures faster data transfer, so the sound does not lag behind even when watching movies or playing games. Headphones can also become your great sparring partner. It doesn't matter at all that you sweat or get wet during sports. They feature an IPX4 water resistance rating.
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Acefast T8 Crystal Bluetooth earbuds, ice blue
Say goodbye to boredom! Acefast wireless headphones enter the scene with an unmistakable futuristic design. It is no toy! Their clean sound will absorb you, the excellent noise reduction will literally shock you, and the fast charging and fantastic durability will crush even the last argument of all doubters.
Enjoy music in excellent quality even in noisy environments. The earphones are equipped with a double vibrating membrane, so you will be able to enjoy clear high tones and deep bass. What's more, thanks to the effective SVE noise cancellation technology, you can enjoy undisturbed calls even on a crowded bus. Leave your phone in your pocket. You can adjust the volume, browse the playlist, answer or end the call directly on the earphones thanks to the touch control.
The voluminous battery of the headphones allows up to 7 hours of listening to music or 4 hours of phone calls. You will replenish their energy reserves in no time. It only takes 10 minutes and you can re-immerse yourself in the atmosphere of your favourite songs for another 2 hours! The three-dimensional LED display of the charging case will keep you informed about the status of the battery and charging. We owe the low power consumption to the support of Bluetooth 5.3 technology. Among other things, this ensures faster data transfer, so the sound does not lag behind even when watching movies or playing games. Headphones can also become your great sparring partner. It doesn't matter at all that you sweat or get wet during sports. They feature an IPX4 water resistance rating.
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