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tedee PRO – Smart Lock, Silver

Reliability, the latest technology, all-metal processing - all this is offered by the tedee smart lock. Among smart locks, it is currently the quietest and smallest on the market. Thanks to its perfect design workmanship, it has won the prestigious IF Design Award. The fact that it was designed in collaboration with the renowned European locksmith company Gerda only confirms its qualities, for which it has outstripped its competitors in its category. The tedee PRO smart lock follows on from the many successes of the tedee lock and is an improved version of the tedee GO model. Unlock your door with one touch, voice assistant, or Apple Watch. Complete installation, including pairing with your smart home, is done in minutes. If you don't use voice assistants yet, you can control the lock remotely using tedee bridge. In your absence, share virtual keys in various forms, including the PIN codes. If you forget to lock up when you leave, no problem, the lock system does it for you automatically. Tedee's dedicated development team provides thorough customer service and a user-friendly installation manual. The integrated battery lasts up to one year on a single charge, so you can forget all your worries about the security of your home or office. • Unique design with numerous awards • Honest metal lock drive • Durable aluminium housing • Long service life • Perfect security • Quietest lock on the market • Easy to operate • Compatible with Apple HomeKit, Google Assistant, and Amazon Alexa • Certified by AV-Test To mě zajímá


Shifu Tacto Laser – board games for a tablet

Do you feel like finding a fun toy that also teaches children something new is an impossible task? And why is it so complicated when children learn the best while playing? Shifu toy makers answer these questions with an amazing interactive globe called Orboot, which presents the world imaginatively and comprehensibly to children. Interesting facts about nature, culture or technology will be shown to children thanks to augmented reality technology on the screen of a tablet or smartphone in 4D processing. Children tap three-dimensional objects to find out more details according to what they are most interested in. In addition, every step is accompanied by a spoken word. Orboot is also equipped with travel props - a passport, a stamp and a sticker booklet to make exploratory trips around the world even more authentic. In the passport, children mark a visit to any country they virtually travel on the globe. To mě zajímá


Shifu Tacto Coding – logical coding game for a tablet

Do you feel like finding a fun toy that also teaches children something new is an impossible task? And why is it so complicated when children learn the best while playing? Shifu toy makers answer these questions with an amazing interactive globe called Orboot, which presents the world imaginatively and comprehensibly to children. Interesting facts about nature, culture or technology will be shown to children thanks to augmented reality technology on the screen of a tablet or smartphone in 4D processing. Children tap three-dimensional objects to find out more details according to what they are most interested in. In addition, every step is accompanied by a spoken word. Orboot is also equipped with travel props - a passport, a stamp and a sticker booklet to make exploratory trips around the world even more authentic. In the passport, children mark a visit to any country they virtually travel on the globe. To mě zajímá


Shifu Tacto Classics – board games for a tablet

Do you feel like finding a fun toy that also teaches children something new is an impossible task? And why is it so complicated when children learn the best while playing? Shifu toy makers answer these questions with an amazing interactive globe called Orboot, which presents the world imaginatively and comprehensibly to children. Interesting facts about nature, culture or technology will be shown to children thanks to augmented reality technology on the screen of a tablet or smartphone in 4D processing. Children tap three-dimensional objects to find out more details according to what they are most interested in. In addition, every step is accompanied by a spoken word. Orboot is also equipped with travel props - a passport, a stamp and a sticker booklet to make exploratory trips around the world even more authentic. In the passport, children mark a visit to any country they virtually travel on the globe. To mě zajímá


Shifu Tacto Chess – logical game for a tablet

Do you feel like finding a fun toy that also teaches children something new is an impossible task? And why is it so complicated when children learn the best while playing? Shifu toy makers answer these questions with an amazing interactive globe called Orboot, which presents the world imaginatively and comprehensibly to children. Interesting facts about nature, culture or technology will be shown to children thanks to augmented reality technology on the screen of a tablet or smartphone in 4D processing. Children tap three-dimensional objects to find out more details according to what they are most interested in. In addition, every step is accompanied by a spoken word. Orboot is also equipped with travel props - a passport, a stamp and a sticker booklet to make exploratory trips around the world even more authentic. In the passport, children mark a visit to any country they virtually travel on the globe. To mě zajímá


Shifu Plugo - STEM Wiz kit 3 in 1

Do you feel like finding a fun toy that also teaches children something new is an impossible task? And why is it so complicated when children learn the best while playing? Shifu toy makers answer these questions with an amazing interactive globe called Orboot, which presents the world imaginatively and comprehensibly to children. Interesting facts about nature, culture or technology will be shown to children thanks to augmented reality technology on the screen of a tablet or smartphone in 4D processing. Children tap three-dimensional objects to find out more details according to what they are most interested in. In addition, every step is accompanied by a spoken word. Orboot is also equipped with travel props - a passport, a stamp and a sticker booklet to make exploratory trips around the world even more authentic. In the passport, children mark a visit to any country they virtually travel on the globe. To mě zajímá

Megrendelve a gyártótól

Shifu Orboot – interactive AR globe for children - Dinos

Do you feel like finding a fun toy that also teaches children something new is an impossible task? And why is it so complicated when children learn the best while playing? Shifu toy makers answer these questions with an amazing interactive globe called Orboot, which presents the world imaginatively and comprehensibly to children. Interesting facts about nature, culture or technology will be shown to children thanks to augmented reality technology on the screen of a tablet or smartphone in 4D processing. Children tap three-dimensional objects to find out more details according to what they are most interested in. In addition, every step is accompanied by a spoken word. Orboot is also equipped with travel props - a passport, a stamp and a sticker booklet to make exploratory trips around the world even more authentic. In the passport, children mark a visit to any country they virtually travel on the globe. To mě zajímá

Megrendelve a gyártótól

Euro Profile Cylinder Adapter for Danalock V3 Locks

Danalock electronic locks are becoming increasingly popular with great security and reliable operation. Now you do not need to purchase special cylinders in a lock kit with the Salto universal adapter. The Salto reduction allows you to install the Danalock V3 on an existing safety insert with permeable clutch. To mě zajímá

Megrendelve a gyártótól

Danalock Danapad – Electronic Code Lock

The Danalock Danapad V3 electronic code lock will free you from all the keys and phones. His magic is in the option of opening the door with installed Danalock V3 lock via PIN code. Just enter your unique and easy-to-remember code, and you pockets will be lighter without a bunch of keys or a phone with an electronic key. You can simply install the keyboard with Danapad V3 without any permanent changes on your door. Via Bluetooth than you will safely control your house or aparatment entrance. You don´t have to open any door, don´t expect any unsightly boxes. Elegant and simple design of Danapad is supplemented with resistance to any weather. • Opening Danalock V3 locks with a secure PIN code • Easy wireless installation with minimal alterations to your door or entry area • Flexible access to your home with Danapad PIN codes • Easy pin codes management in the Danalock app To mě zajímá

Megrendelve a gyártótól

Shoulderpod G2 – professional video grip and rig for smartphones

Shoulderpod G2 is a combined grip for smartphones with a width of 64 to 90 mm. It is the most advanced and reliable platform for shooting quality video using a smartphone. 3 in 1 - grip, rig and tripod head The G2 allows you to add an external microphone, light, or external battery to your smartphone's camera. The standard 1/4 ”- 20 thread allows you to mount the assembly on a tripod. The reliable and durable grip has been specially developed for journalistic digital creation and content marketing. That's why it's equipped with several features to help you easily record reports, tutorials, clips, products and other videos. To mě zajímá

Megrendelve a gyártótól

JOY aXtion Edge M for iPad Pro 10.5

JOY aXtion Edge M je nejtenčí obal svého druhu – zajistí vašemu iPadu zvýšenou ochranu při nárazu integrovanou do tenkého obalu, který ukrývá i další chytré funkce, jako je například patentovaná montážní technologie JOY MagConnect. Technologie MagConnect umožňuje snadnou montáž a demontáž tabletu na kterémkoli z držáků JOY MagConnect. Samotné pouzdro je vyrobeno s materiálem EVA absorbujícím nárazy. Váš iPad je chráněn, zatímco všechny jeho funkce, porty a tlačítka zůstávají neomezeně přístupné. Přestože je Edge M přesně tvarované ochranné pouzdro, je dostatečně flexibilní i pro instalaci chrániče obrazovky z PET filmu. To mě zajímá


JOY MagConnect™ - Back Cover for iPad Pro 12.9” 3rd Gen

Ultra tenký, lehký zadní kryt kompatibilní s držáky tablet MagConnect na iPad Pro 12,9 (3. generace). Zadní kryt tabletu MagConnect pro iPad Pro 12,9 je prvním krokem k vyjádření inovativní profesionality při používání vašeho iPadu. Elegantní a odolný kryt je kompatibilní s držáky JOY MagConnect, takže kromě ochrany iPadu zajistí i jeho snadné použití například v autě, v kanceláři, na konferenčním stole, nebo kdekoliv jinde potřebujete iPad pohodlně upevnit a napolohovat. Tenký profil a promyšlený design zaručuje rychlou a snadnou použitelnost krytu při nasazování nebo vyjímání iPadu. Kryt chrání zadní část zařízení před poškrábáním, ať už s držákem nebo bez něj. Kromě držáku lze na kryt uchytit i univerzální popruh na ruku, který vám umožní držet iPad bezpečně a pohodlně v ruce. Nastavitelný popruh na ruku je opatřený otočným konektorem, který umožňuje snadný přechod mezi pozicemi na výšku a na šířku, aniž byste museli vyjmout ruku. To mě zajímá


JOY LockDown Secure iPad Holder for MagConnect™ Mounts w Keyed Cable Lock for iPad Air, 4th/3rd/2nd Gen.

Bezpečnostní držák iPadu pro držáky MagConnect™ pro iPad 4/ 3 / 2 / Air. LockDown je bezpečnostní pouzdro, které slouží zároveň jako bezpečnostní uzamykatelný držák vašeho iPadu. Součástí je i kabelový zámek. LockDown stačí jednoduše odemknout, vložit iPad, zavřít a zamknout. Funkce LockDown neblokuje plné využití žádného tlačítka, portu nebo funkce. Dokonale funguje s produkty z řady držáků tabletů MagConnect. LockDown nasadíte na váš držák MagConnect a zajistíte kabelový zámek. Následně je tablet připraven k bezpečnému využití na veřejnosti. Držák je určený pro každodenní náročné využití. Robustní kovová konstrukce je z vnitřní strany opatřena měkkou podšívkou, která chrání iPad před nárazy. • Bezpečnostní držák MagConnect pro iPad 4 / 3 / 2 / Air • Funguje se všemi držáky MagConnect • Včetně odolného kabelu Kensington To mě zajímá

Megrendelve a gyártótól

iHealth PT2L – Érintés nélküli lázmérő, 1mp.

Az iHealth PT2L egy érintésmentes lázmérő, mely a homlok felületéről származó hőkibocsájtás alapján visszajelzést küld felhasználónak testhőmérsékletéről, mindezt egyetlen másodperc alatt. A PT2L hőmérő kialakítása lehetővé teszi a higiénikus, nem invazív méréseket. A hőmérő egyszerű vezérlésének, gyors működtetésének köszönhetően könnyedén meg tudja mérni akár alvó gyermeke hőmérsékletét is. • Irányítsa a lázmérő érzékelőjét a homlokra és nyomja meg a gombot • A mért eredmény egy másodpercen belül megjelenik a lázmérő kijelzőjén • Higiénikus és biztonságos mérés • Csipogó hangjelzés (kikapcsolható) • Színes ikonok a mért hőmérsékletnek megfelelően Ez a hőmérő nem csatlakoztatható eszköz. A mért eredményeket nem lehet szinkronizálni az iHealth MyVitals alkalmazással. To mě zajímá

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iHealth PT3 – Érintés nélküli lázmérő

Az iHealth PT3 infravörös sugárral működő, érintés nélküli lázmérő, mely a homlokhoz tartva egy másodperc alatt elvégzi a mérést. A PT3 lázmérővel biztonságosan megmérheti bárki lázát anélkül, hogy hozzáérjen. Kialakításának köszönhetően könnyedén használható, elég csupán egy másodpercre a homlok elé tartani és már meg is van az eredmény. A pontos mérést segítik az eszközben található távolságot és környezeti hőmérsékletet érzékelő szenzorok, a mérés végeztével a lázmérő rezgéssel jelez, így akár alvás közben is gond nélkül megmérheti szerettei hőmérsékletét. • Irányítsa a lázmérőt a megfelelő helyre és kezdje meg a mérést • Eredmény már egy másodpercen belül • A mérés végeztével az eszköz rezgéssel jelez, nem ad ki hangot • Könnyedén olvasható LED kijelző • Ideális kisgyermekek lázának mérésére Ez a lázmérő nem kapcsolódik az iHealth MyVitals applikációhoz, az elvégzett mérések nem kerülnek tárolásra az alkalmazásban. To mě zajímá


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