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Items 421 to 435 from 474
MiniBatt FLY – An Extra-Fast Backlit Qi Wireless Charger, 15 W
Shorten the time to charge your smartphone to the minimum and save yourself a struggle with cables and buttons. The extra-fast Qi charger FLY from MiniBatt is here to make daily charging of large phones easy for you.
Your new iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy S9 or other smartphones with fast charge support on the FLY charger will literally shine thanks to the blue backlight that stylishly illustrates the charging process.
The MiniBatt FLY is compatible with the most widely used Qi induction charging technology and all 5 V and 9 V devices. FLY doesn’t need to be switched on – simply put your phone on the pad and charge automatically with 75% energy efficiency.
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tedee – adapter for European doors, silver
Rozhodli jste si vybavit domácnost chytrými zámky Tedee Lock, ale vaše stávající zámky nevyhovují instalaci? Tedee Adaptér tento problém hravě vyřeší.
Tedee adaptér vám umožní nainstalovat chytrý zámek i na vaše dveře bez měnění cylindru či celého zámku. K instalaci stačí využít vlastní polopropustnou vložku. Je vyroben z vysoce kvalitního materiálu a jeho unikátní konstrukce umožňuje manuální i automatické odemykání. Dveře tak odemknete skrze mobilní aplikaci i klasický klíč.
Minimalistický design adaptéru nijak nenarušuje vzhled vašich dveří a díky dvěma barevným variantám skvěle koresponduje s chytrým zámkem Tedee Lock. Nainstalovat lze na všechny zámky evropského, švýcarského a severského typu.
• Podporuje automatické i manuální zamykání
• Instalace do hodiny
• Minimalistický design
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Hyper® HyperDrive™ 6-in-1 USB-C Hub pro iPad Pro (Space Gray)
Hiányzik a fejhallgató csatlakozó iPad Pro-n, esetleg egy HDMI port, egy külső képernyőhöz de nem szereti az Apple fehér csatlakozóit?
Az IPad Pro-ra kialakított HyperDrive USB-C kompakt megoldást kínál problémáira.
A kicsi, elegáns hub kialakításával és színeivel tökéletesen illeszkedik iPad Pro-ja letisztultságához, kis mérete ellenére azonban megtalálható benne egy-egy HDMI, USB-C, SD, MicroSD, USB-A csatlakozó és egy audio jack dugó.
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LAUT Technical 2.0 – Nylon strap for Apple Watch 42/44 mm, black
Laut comes with a new generation of the popular outdoor nylon strap for Apple Watch - Technical 2.0. The novelty is to increase the durability of the strap without losing your comfort when wearing the Apple Watch.
Technical 2.0 is made of Swiss ballistic nylon with a typical weave and high durability. The functional fabric and particularly careful stitching allow you to use the watch on your outdoor activities without having to change the strap when you return to a more formal environment, as it can withstand greater loads than comparable types of straps without damage.
Strap material: ballistic nylon, Italian leather
Strap colour: black
Buckle and adapters: stainless steel (black)
Apple Watch size: 42 - 44 mm
Fastening: classic buckle
Circumference: 160 - 200 mm
Pro Apple Watch Series 1 – 5.
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LAUT Technical 2.0 – nylon strap for Apple Watch 42/44 mm, navy blue
Laut comes with a new generation of the popular outdoor nylon strap for Apple Watch - Technical 2.0. The novelty is to increase the durability of the strap without losing your comfort when wearing the Apple Watch.
Technical 2.0 is made of Swiss ballistic nylon with a typical weave and high durability. The functional fabric and particularly careful stitching allow you to use the watch on your outdoor activities without having to change the strap when you return to a more formal environment, as it can withstand greater loads than comparable types of straps without damage.
Strap material: ballistic nylon, Italian leather
Strap colour: navy blue
Buckle and adapters: stainless steel (black)
Apple Watch size: 42 - 44 mm
Fastening: classic buckle
Circumference: 160 - 200 mm
Pro Apple Watch Series 1 – 5.
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Hyper® HyperDrive™ Media 6-in-1 USB-C Hub for iPad Pro/Air
Hyper proves once again that it is one step ahead of its competition! This time introducing an iPad Pro/Air hub with 6 essential ports and media shortcut keys - the first of its kind in the world. This nifty hub lets you connect your devices to others and seamlessly play, pause, fast forward or rewind movies, songs or podcasts. And all this without interrupting your workflow.
The number of functions certainly does not come at the expense of quality. Lightning-fast data transfer, HDMI with support for first-class 4K resolution and Power Delivery technology for pass-through charging with a power of up to 60 W are just a small sample of the hub’s functions.
All of this hidden in a truly luxurious package. Top-quality materials, elegant colour design, minimalist and perfectly functional design are a guarantee that the hub will create a perfectly matched pair with your Apple device!
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ExoGear ExoMount Ultra - Car Holder For Smartphones
The Universal ExoMount Ultra Holder is designed for all phones with a 3.5 to 6 inch diagonal screen with or without protective case. The most powerful suction technology in the world ExoSeal keeps the holder on a car dashboard or other surface, even on highly porous or rounded surfaces. The rubber bolt allows you to lock the phone at any angle and tilt. You will always have the phone display at the optimal viewing angle. Install the phone in the holder with one hand by simply pushing one of the jaws of the brackets and just remove the phone from the holder the same way. Heavily padded jaws of the ExoMount Ultra Holder work reliably even in the sharpest bends of the bumpiest paths.
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MiniBatt MODULAR – Buildable Qi Wireless Fast Charger, 15 W
3 phones on 1 Qi charger? Why not. MiniBatt Modular is Qi charger, which finally solves the eternal problem of the lack of free charging spaces. Just connect chargers and create charging point for up to 3 smartphones.
Eliminate all the annoying necessities that revolve around charging your phone from your everyday life. Simply, wirelessly and simultaneously charge your iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, Samsung Galaxy S9 or other smartphone with fast charging.
The MiniBatt Modular is compatible with the most widely used Qi induction charging technology and all 5V and 9V devices. Just put the smartphones on the Modular and charge it with 75% energy transfer efficiency or use the main module to charge fast.
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Hyper® HyperDrive™ DUO PRO 7-in-2 USB-C Hub for MacBook Pro/Air - Space Grey
Connect all of your office or home devices to your laptop using one small device. The smart HyperDrive DUO PRO 7-in-2 hub will allow you to do this without any problems. The fact that this is not a technologically common hub, but a perfect device using the best chips, is highlighted, for example, by its ability to work with PD 100W power supply, data transfer up to 40Gbps and image up to 6K at 60Hz.
The HyperDrive DUO PRO hub includes a set of 7 very useful ports. Its shape makes it ideal for use with MacBook Pros from 2016 and MacBook Airs from 2018. For both types of Apple notebooks, a special adapter is included in the package, which is attached to the hub mechanically and magnetically at the same time and is thus a reliable integral part of the elegant unit. Thanks to the universal adapter included in the package, it works with iPads and PC devices that are equipped with USB-C. Your laptop connects to a 4K monitor and audio equipment in no time, enables charging of various devices or makes fast data transfer available.
The detailed minimalistic design is complemented by high-quality durable material. The case includes a magnetic holder, thanks to which you can attach the device to your laptop and thus provide it with perfect security while on the go. Compatible with MacBook Air/Pro (M1/M2). Compatible with MacBook Pro 14 & 16" (M1 Pro / M1 Max).
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MiPow Playbulb™ Rainbow – Bluetooth smart LED color light bulb, 3 pieces
Enjoy your daily moments with a moody light whose colours and other features you choose on your smartphone. Playbulb Rainbow - now also available in 3-packs, is a smart LED bulb that you set up with the accompanying Playbulb X app via Bluetooth from a distance of up to 10 meters.
The bulb didn't get its name by accident. Just like the countless colours of a real rainbow, you can enhance your mood or refine your home interior with 1.67 million colours of Playbulb Rainbow.
Elegant and timeless design that also includes a number of features. The shape of the bulb takes advantage of the perfection of a drop of water that mimics the fraction of light when the light beam strikes. The slim shape at the screw location makes it easy to install in any E26 / E27 base.
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ExoMount Magnet Air Ventilation Holder - For Smartphones
The universal magnetic holder of ExoMount Magnet Air mobile phones is suitable for any mobile phone in almost any protective cover or without it. The bracket is installed into the ventilation grid using an adjustable width clamp. It is fitted with rubber pads and a locking screw to prevent release of the holder. To attach the phone, you only need to stick a thin metal plate under the protective case or stick a smaller pad directly onto the phone if you do not use the protective case. The strong magnetic head moves the phone immediately when it comes to the holder and, along with the rubber pads, keeps the phone in place even on the sharpest bends.
The holder can be locked at any angle thanks to the flexible spherical pin and its height can be adjusted thanks to the pair of hinges with locking buttons. Your device will therefore be set at the best possible viewing angle while driving.
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Robobloq Qobo – Interactive Pogrammable Snail for Children, 3-8 yo
Do you feel that your children have lost their interest for classic toys and prefer to reach for their mobile phone? Let's change that with the help of the Robobloq Qobo programmable snail. This interactive toy draws children into the action and teaches them a lot of new skills. In the age of smart technology, we need smarter toys.
Robobloq Qobo is one of the so-called STEAM toys that help children learn in a non-violent and fun way. Both girls and boys feel that they are just playing and do not even perceive that they are learning new knowledge. The interactive snail helps to develop logical thinking, teaches the basics of programming and a foreign language.
The modern toy impresses not only with its high-quality technical sophistication, but also with its attractive appearance. In addition, it is compatible with LEGO and your children can decorate the snail according to their wishes. The set includes 30 playing cards that can be stacked as a puzzle.
Note: The package may contain either the blue or orange variation. Colour variation cannot be selected.
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Backbone One - Mobile Gaming Controller for USB-C - 2nd Gen
A Backbone One a telefonodat végső játékkonzollá alakítja át. Pattintsd be a telefonodat USB-C csatlakozóval, és játssz bármilyen játékot vagy szolgáltatást, amely támogatja a vezérlőket, beleértve a Google Play Store-t, az Xbox Game Pass Ultimate-ot és a streaminget közvetlenül az Xboxról vagy a PC-ről. Nincs töltés, nincs várakozás a frissítésekre és nincs fárasztó beállítás. Fedezd fel a prémium játékok új világát másodpercek alatt.
Játsszon bármilyen vezérlőt támogató játékkal:
Reagáló analóg ravaszok, tapintható gombok és kattintható hüvelykujjasok a tökéletes mobil játékélményért.
Alacsony késleltetés, áthaladó töltés és 3,5 mm-es fejhallgató-csatlakozó:
Csatlakoztatható a telefon USB-C portjához az ultra-rezonáló játékhoz. Játék közben töltheted és használhatod kedvenc fejhallgatódat.
A Backbone alkalmazás a tartalomkönyvtáradat és a játékstreaming-szolgáltatásokat egységes felhasználói élményben egyesíti.
A Backbone+ előfizetéses próbaverzió tartalmazza: Több mint 20 alkalmazásfunkció, kedvezmény és játékbeli jutalom feloldása. A Backbone+ előfizetés NEM szükséges a Backbone One kontrollerrel való játékhoz. Az ingyenes alkalmazás ingyenes firmware-frissítéseket és a kontroller kezeléséhez szükséges funkciókat tartalmaz.²
USB-C csatlakozóval rendelkező iPhone és Android készülékekkel működik.
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MiniBatt PowerAIR - Qi vezeték nélküli gyorstöltő két készülékhez, 10 W-os
A MiniBatt PowerAIR egy praktikus vezeték nélküli töltő, kiváló minőségű induktív töltéssel és gyors töltési támogatással, amely lehetővé teszi két eszköz egyszerre történő töltését.
Töltse okostelefonját kötetlenségek nélkül – nem kell többé kábeleket vagy szabad aljzatokat keresnie. Hasznos nem csak otthonában, de irodájában vagy úton is.
A MiniBatt PowerAIR kompatibilis az összes telefonnal és tartozékkal, amelyek támogatják a Qi töltést. Az okostelefon vagy a táblagép feltöltése még soha nem volt ilyen egyszerű!
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Backbone One - Apple Edition Mobile Gaming Controller for USB-C
Backbone One transforms your iPhone or Android device into the ultimate gaming console. Snap in your phone and play any game or service that supports controllers, including Apple Arcade, App Store games, Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, or even stream from your Xbox, PlayStation or PC.
Backbone's Second Generation device features two sets of magnetic adapters that allow for even better phone fit along with a reshaped D-pad which enhances responsiveness, resulting in superior feel and control across multiple genres of gameplay.
The Backbone app organises your content library and game streaming services into an integrated user experience. Uncover a new world of premium gaming in seconds.
• Game console quality on the go
• USB-C port
• Support for iOs and Android operating system
• Simultaneous gaming and device charging
• 3.5mm headphone jack
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