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MUJJO Carry-On Folio Sleeve for 12" Macbook - Black

Comfortable and unique way to carry or travel with 12” MacBook. Quality leather, felt and metal details in combination with perfect desing and functionality. This is a sleeve of Dutch brand Mujjo, which reliably and elegantly protects not only your 12” MacBook, but also your personal valuables. Carry-On Folio offers fine lines from high-quality leather, which perfectly fit into your personal style. Sleeve can be used in both private and professional life. Inside you can find little pockets for credit cards and other small personal things. Your MacBook is protected with massive zipper, which is complete with metal details, all in black. The result is a charismatic, but still comfortable companion for your work device. To mě zajímá


YO - Fertility Test For Men - 2 Tests, iOS, Android, Windows, Mac

Have you decided to move from partnership to parenting? And are you a “man of action” who leaves nothing to chance? Then YO is your choice! With YO you don't have to go to see your doctor because of a spermiogram. YO - a fertility test for men will automatically examine your spermiogram with 97% reliability. You can use it in the comfort of home, without stress and all uncomfortable circumstances. You can watch live video of your sperms and the app will count and evaluate the active and healthy ones. The spermiogram result remains safely stored in the YO archive. To mě zajímá

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Acopower 193Wh Power bank for LiONCooler/LiONCooler Mini

Acopower is a specialist in off-grid and portable energy solutions. Its flagship products are the LiONCooler portable refrigerators and freezers, which will make your stay in the wilderness more enjoyable without the need to connect to the electricity main socket. To really enjoy their capabilities to the full, you can't do without this Acopower power bank with an impressive 193 Wh capacity. You can recharge it with the help of a solar panel, a car battery or via a conventional AC socket. But the battery is not only used in conjunction with the portable refrigerator. It can seamlessly replace a conventional power bank and supply juice to your smart devices whenever and wherever you need it. Attention, Acopower has even equipped it with a built-in LED flashlight, which can come in handy not only when camping. To mě zajímá


Shifu Tacto Classics – board games for a tablet

Do you feel like finding a fun toy that also teaches children something new is an impossible task? And why is it so complicated when children learn the best while playing? Shifu toy makers answer these questions with an amazing interactive globe called Orboot, which presents the world imaginatively and comprehensibly to children. Interesting facts about nature, culture or technology will be shown to children thanks to augmented reality technology on the screen of a tablet or smartphone in 4D processing. Children tap three-dimensional objects to find out more details according to what they are most interested in. In addition, every step is accompanied by a spoken word. Orboot is also equipped with travel props - a passport, a stamp and a sticker booklet to make exploratory trips around the world even more authentic. In the passport, children mark a visit to any country they virtually travel on the globe. To mě zajímá


Shifu Plugo Count - Matematical games for tablet

Plugo is an interactive educational game for your tablet using augmented reality technology. Does that sounds pretty boring to you? Then you haven't seen Plugo in action yet. Action and entertainment are all the more important because everything that children put on a magnetic pad creates feedback in a colourful story on the tablet screen, thanks to AR technology. So children do not even realize that they voluntarily solve mathematics. The whole system of Plugo games is based on the concept of STEM education and uses a playful and imaginative approach to introduce children to technology and mathematics. The companion app includes a large number of fun games at age-appropriate levels, ranging from approximately 5 to 11 years old, so that your siblings and friends will be entertained reliably. The set includes a pad with a slot for attaching a tablet and a magnetic surface to play and a Plugo Count game containing 2 sets of numbers with signs (+, -, /, x) and a pedestal. To mě zajímá

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Nevox Vario Series case for iPad Air 10.9" (4. Generation) - Gray

Elegant design, premium materials and high user practicality - this is the Vario Series Book Case for iPad AIR 10.9“ by NEVOX. The variability of the case offers several positions of the front flap. Thanks to the integrated recess on the Apple Pencil, you have all the components at hand. The front flap contains a magnetic insert - the flap does not open on its own and the iPad starts automatically when opened. The combination of high-quality materials will ensure perfect protection for your iPad. The inner layer made of thermoplastic polyurethane completes the outer polyurethane shell, which is very pleasant to the touch and lasts for many years like new. • Variability • Stylish design • Premium materials • For iPad AIR 4th generation To mě zajímá


Shifu Orboot – interactive AR globe for children - Dinos

Do you feel like finding a fun toy that also teaches children something new is an impossible task? And why is it so complicated when children learn the best while playing? Shifu toy makers answer these questions with an amazing interactive globe called Orboot, which presents the world imaginatively and comprehensibly to children. Interesting facts about nature, culture or technology will be shown to children thanks to augmented reality technology on the screen of a tablet or smartphone in 4D processing. Children tap three-dimensional objects to find out more details according to what they are most interested in. In addition, every step is accompanied by a spoken word. Orboot is also equipped with travel props - a passport, a stamp and a sticker booklet to make exploratory trips around the world even more authentic. In the passport, children mark a visit to any country they virtually travel on the globe. To mě zajímá

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Shifu Tacto Coding – logical coding game for a tablet

Do you feel like finding a fun toy that also teaches children something new is an impossible task? And why is it so complicated when children learn the best while playing? Shifu toy makers answer these questions with an amazing interactive globe called Orboot, which presents the world imaginatively and comprehensibly to children. Interesting facts about nature, culture or technology will be shown to children thanks to augmented reality technology on the screen of a tablet or smartphone in 4D processing. Children tap three-dimensional objects to find out more details according to what they are most interested in. In addition, every step is accompanied by a spoken word. Orboot is also equipped with travel props - a passport, a stamp and a sticker booklet to make exploratory trips around the world even more authentic. In the passport, children mark a visit to any country they virtually travel on the globe. To mě zajímá


Backbone One - Mobile Gaming Controller for USB-C - 2nd Gen

A Backbone One a telefonodat végső játékkonzollá alakítja át. Pattintsd be a telefonodat USB-C csatlakozóval, és játssz bármilyen játékot vagy szolgáltatást, amely támogatja a vezérlőket, beleértve a Google Play Store-t, az Xbox Game Pass Ultimate-ot és a streaminget közvetlenül az Xboxról vagy a PC-ről. Nincs töltés, nincs várakozás a frissítésekre és nincs fárasztó beállítás. Fedezd fel a prémium játékok új világát másodpercek alatt. Játsszon bármilyen vezérlőt támogató játékkal: Reagáló analóg ravaszok, tapintható gombok és kattintható hüvelykujjasok a tökéletes mobil játékélményért. Alacsony késleltetés, áthaladó töltés és 3,5 mm-es fejhallgató-csatlakozó: Csatlakoztatható a telefon USB-C portjához az ultra-rezonáló játékhoz. Játék közben töltheted és használhatod kedvenc fejhallgatódat. A Backbone alkalmazás a tartalomkönyvtáradat és a játékstreaming-szolgáltatásokat egységes felhasználói élményben egyesíti. A Backbone+ előfizetéses próbaverzió tartalmazza: Több mint 20 alkalmazásfunkció, kedvezmény és játékbeli jutalom feloldása. A Backbone+ előfizetés NEM szükséges a Backbone One kontrollerrel való játékhoz. Az ingyenes alkalmazás ingyenes firmware-frissítéseket és a kontroller kezeléséhez szükséges funkciókat tartalmaz.² USB-C csatlakozóval rendelkező iPhone és Android készülékekkel működik. To mě zajímá


Backbone One Mobile Gaming Controller for Lightning - 2nd Gen

Backbone One transforms your iPhone device into the ultimate gaming console. Snap in your phone and play any game or service that supports controllers, including Apple Arcade, Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, or even stream from your Xbox, PlayStation or PC. Backbone One gaming controller of the second generation features two sets of magnetic adapters that allow for even better phone fit and a reshaped D-pad that enhances responsiveness, resulting in superior feel and control across multiple gameplay genres. The Backbone app organizes your content library and game streaming services into an integrated user experience. Uncover a new world of premium gaming in seconds. • Game console quality on the go • Lightning port • Support for the iOS operating system • Simultaneous gaming and charging • 3.5mm headphone port To mě zajímá


Hyper® HyperDrive™ Media 6-in-1 USB-C Hub for iPad Pro/Air

Hyper proves once again that it is one step ahead of its competition! This time introducing an iPad Pro/Air hub with 6 essential ports and media shortcut keys - the first of its kind in the world. This nifty hub lets you connect your devices to others and seamlessly play, pause, fast forward or rewind movies, songs or podcasts. And all this without interrupting your workflow. The number of functions certainly does not come at the expense of quality. Lightning-fast data transfer, HDMI with support for first-class 4K resolution and Power Delivery technology for pass-through charging with a power of up to 60 W are just a small sample of the hub’s functions. All of this hidden in a truly luxurious package. Top-quality materials, elegant colour design, minimalist and perfectly functional design are a guarantee that the hub will create a perfectly matched pair with your Apple device! To mě zajímá


Hyper® Hyper Juice Wireless Charger adapter for Apple AirPods

Have you given up on cables, and entrusted your electronics with a wireless charger? From now on, your AirPods can "always be ready to charge". You can use the Hyper Juice Wireless AirPods Adapter with any 5W Qi wireless charger. You can simply upgrade your AirPods case by connecting it via the Lightning connector to the Hyper Juice. The set is then placed on any charger with the appropriate specification. To mě zajímá


Backbone One - Apple Edition Mobile Gaming Controller for USB-C

Backbone One transforms your iPhone or Android device into the ultimate gaming console. Snap in your phone and play any game or service that supports controllers, including Apple Arcade, App Store games, Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, or even stream from your Xbox, PlayStation or PC. Backbone's Second Generation device features two sets of magnetic adapters that allow for even better phone fit along with a reshaped D-pad which enhances responsiveness, resulting in superior feel and control across multiple genres of gameplay. The Backbone app organises your content library and game streaming services into an integrated user experience. Uncover a new world of premium gaming in seconds. • Game console quality on the go • USB-C port • Support for iOs and Android operating system • Simultaneous gaming and device charging • 3.5mm headphone jack To mě zajímá


Robobloq Qobo – Interactive Pogrammable Snail for Children, 3-8 yo

Do you feel that your children have lost their interest for classic toys and prefer to reach for their mobile phone? Let's change that with the help of the Robobloq Qobo programmable snail. This interactive toy draws children into the action and teaches them a lot of new skills. In the age of smart technology, we need smarter toys. Robobloq Qobo is one of the so-called STEAM toys that help children learn in a non-violent and fun way. Both girls and boys feel that they are just playing and do not even perceive that they are learning new knowledge. The interactive snail helps to develop logical thinking, teaches the basics of programming and a foreign language. The modern toy impresses not only with its high-quality technical sophistication, but also with its attractive appearance. In addition, it is compatible with LEGO and your children can decorate the snail according to their wishes. The set includes 30 playing cards that can be stacked as a puzzle. Note: The package may contain either the blue or orange variation. Colour variation cannot be selected. To mě zajímá

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Backbone One - Apple Edition Mobile Gaming Controller for Lightning

Backbone One transforms your iPhone into the ultimate gaming console. Snap in your iPhone and play any iOS game or service that supports controllers, including Apple Arcade, App Store games or even stream from your Xbox, PlayStation or PC. The Backbone app organises your content library and game streaming services into an integrated user experience. Uncover a new world of premium gaming in seconds. • Game console quality on the go • Lightning port • Support for the iOS operating system • Simultaneous gaming and charging • 3.5mm headphone port To mě zajímá


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