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tedee – Bridge
Enjoy the comfort and security of a smart home. Connect tedee smart locks to the central station and keep your home or office completely under control from anywhere in the world.
The tedee bridge connects all your smart locks via Bluetooth and WiFi, enriching them with many great features. It lets you connect your locks to voice assistants like Siri, Google Assistant, or Amazon Alexa. It lets you control them through a web portal, unlock them through an app, or integrate them with other smart devices in your home. It will also ensure that your door automatically unlocks when you arrive home and locks again when you leave. Bridge will inform you of all the happenings via push notifications sent to your mobile phone, update the app, and manage the history of all arrivals and departures.
The minimalist design of the central station is exquisite and in no way interferes with the home's interior. The highly secure encrypted HTTPS protocol protects its system.
• Bluetooth or WiFi connectivity
• Minimalist design
• Easy to use
• Compatible with Apple HomeKit, Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, Homey, Fibaro, Grenton, eeDomus, Consolomio etc.
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Intelino - Station & Tunnel Kit
"Please be careful! The train is just arriving at the station.” This is exactly the message you can say the next time you play with the smart Intelino train. Use this set of tracks to enrich your current tracks by several train stops and give passengers a clear direction and destination!
To make the game even more fun and a little more interesting, let the train go through a series of tunnels. How many of them you place on the track, where and how long they will be depends only on you and your imagination. Just do not forget the audible warning just before entering them!
The set contains 2 station and 2 tunnel inserts, from which you can create these parts very easily. The folding inserts are color-coded and designed for combination with support towers (sold separately). Durable and ecological PP plastic material is used for their production, so they can handle even stronger traffic.
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Intelino - Bridge Kit
Looking for a way to further improve your track for Intelino? It is the ramp with the bridge that can be the element that will make the game a little more interesting! Now you can finally start building more complex bridge structures with elevated tracks and enjoy even more fun!
The kit is fully compatible with the Intelino starter kit and other expansion accessories. It comes with a pair of ramps designed so that the train can easily travel up and down, stackable support towers and a realistic-looking red bridge.
At Intelino, too, they made sure that the assembly of individual parts is as simple as possible, and even the smallest ones could handle it without difficulty. We are sure that even adults will not resist and will start building a more elaborate tracks together with them!
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Currently unavailable
Shifu Plugo - STEM Wiz kit 3 in 1
Do you feel like finding a fun toy that also teaches children something new is an impossible task? And why is it so complicated when children learn the best while playing? Shifu toy makers answer these questions with an amazing interactive globe called Orboot, which presents the world imaginatively and comprehensibly to children.
Interesting facts about nature, culture or technology will be shown to children thanks to augmented reality technology on the screen of a tablet or smartphone in 4D processing. Children tap three-dimensional objects to find out more details according to what they are most interested in. In addition, every step is accompanied by a spoken word.
Orboot is also equipped with travel props - a passport, a stamp and a sticker booklet to make exploratory trips around the world even more authentic. In the passport, children mark a visit to any country they virtually travel on the globe.
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iHealth PT3 – Érintés nélküli lázmérő
Az iHealth PT3 infravörös sugárral működő, érintés nélküli lázmérő, mely a homlokhoz tartva egy másodperc alatt elvégzi a mérést.
A PT3 lázmérővel biztonságosan megmérheti bárki lázát anélkül, hogy hozzáérjen. Kialakításának köszönhetően könnyedén használható, elég csupán egy másodpercre a homlok elé tartani és már meg is van az eredmény.
A pontos mérést segítik az eszközben található távolságot és környezeti hőmérsékletet érzékelő szenzorok, a mérés végeztével a lázmérő rezgéssel jelez, így akár alvás közben is gond nélkül megmérheti szerettei hőmérsékletét.
• Irányítsa a lázmérőt a megfelelő helyre és kezdje meg a mérést
• Eredmény már egy másodpercen belül
• A mérés végeztével az eszköz rezgéssel jelez, nem ad ki hangot
• Könnyedén olvasható LED kijelző
• Ideális kisgyermekek lázának mérésére
Ez a lázmérő nem kapcsolódik az iHealth MyVitals applikációhoz, az elvégzett mérések nem kerülnek tárolásra az alkalmazásban.
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iHealth FIT HS2S – Okos testanalizáló személyimérleg, Bluetooth 4.0
Az iHealth FIT HS2S okos testanalizáló személyimérlegben ötvöződik a stílus és a funkcionalitás, így könnyedén fürdőszobája legújabb gyöngyszemévé válhat. A FIT HS2S letisztult kialakítása mellett kilenc mérési funkcióval rendelkezik, így könnyendén nyomonkövetheti aktuális testsúlya mellett egyéb értékeit is, mint például testtömeg-indexének alakulását, csonttömegét de akár zsigeri zsírjainak megoszlását is.
A mért adatok automatikusan továbbitásra kerülnek az ingyenes iHealth MyVitals alkalmazásba, ahol egyúttal célokat is meghatározhat, melyek segítségével még könnyebben érheti el az áhított eredményeket.
Az iHealth FIT HS2S okos testanalizáló személyimérleg minősített orvostechnológiai eszköz, kismamák által is használható. A biztonságos és ingyenes adattárolás valamint adattovábbításnak hála, könnyedén és gyorsan megoszthatja mért értékeit családjával vagy orvosával is.
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PKG Yorkville Laptop Messenger 15/16” - Dark Grey
The PKG Cambridge Laptop Backpack is the biggest backpack from PKG collection for up to 16" laptop or tablet that you'll appreciate in everyday travel. Cambridge backpack has all features from Casual Collection and into its volume 30 l you will for sure pack yourself for an active weekend or you can carry some bigger grocery stuff to your home with no problem .
Work, free time, elegance, freestyle, practicality and style - The versatility of PKG luggages will also be appreciated by the distinguished personality. You can wear Cambridge in any weather and conditions, because they are extra lightweight, waterproof and abrasion resistant. Without any worries you can leave your mobile in top pocket during rain.
In addition to a separate padded laptop pocket with side entry, the insert bag will facilitate your transfer. The backpack features a foldable padded bottom, document pocket, or side pocket for the bottle.
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iHealth NEO BP5s – Okos vérnyomásmérő kijelzővel
A szükséges eszközök állandó elő- és visszapakolászása illetve az eredmények megfelelő nyomonkövetésével járó nyűg miatt a rendszeres vérnyomásmérés sok ember számára jelent kellemetlen feladatot. Az iHealth vérnyomásmérője azonban nem csupán egy precíz mérőeszköz, kialakítása és működése is épp az előbb említett terhet kívánja csökkenteni használói számára.
Elődeivel ellentétben, a Neo vérnyomásmérő egy, az Európai Hypertonia Társaság által elismert, CE-jelöléssel rendelkező könnyedén karra rögzíthető kötésen elhelyezett kijelzőn keresztül azonnal mutatja a mért eredményeket, melyeket a MyVitals applikációval könnyedén nyomon is követhet.
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Intelino Smart Train – Okos töltésű elektromos vonat és pályakészlet
Az Intelino az eddigi legokosabb játékvonat. Fejlett robotikai technológiával és funkciók lenyűgöző sokaságával tele, az okosvonat interaktív játékot és STEM alapú tanulást biztosít.
Egyszerű irányíthatósága miatt akár egy 3 éves gyermek számára is remek szórakozás.
A beépített érzékelők és a Bluetooth-kapcsolat teljes kontrollt biztosítanak a játékosoknak.
Frissíthető. Programozható. Gyermeke kreativitása működteti.
• A játékvonat újradefiniálva, minden korosztály számára (3 éves kor felett)
• Irányítható okostelefonnal vagy anélkül
• STEM tanuláson keresztül, játékalapú tevékenységek révén fejleszti a kódolási készségeket
• A színes jelölőlécekkel vezérelheti a vonat műveleteit, például a sebességet, haladási irányt és egyebeket
• Ingyenes iOS és Android alkalmazás különböző meghajtási módokkal és Snap Editor alkalmazással az egyéni parancsokhoz
• A legtöbb fa vágánnyal kompatibilis (a pályaadaptereket nem tartalmazza)
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Currently unavailable
START by iHealth BPa – Upper arm blood pressure monitor
The iHealth Start automatic upper arm pressure monitor is an irreplaceable aid in blood pressure monitoring. You can fully rely on the home measurement results on the Start tonometer because the device is approved as a medical device and has undergone clinical testing.
The pressure monitor measures actual values of systole, diastole and pulmonary artery pulse. An alert in case of an irregular heartbeat and the blood pressure rating scale recommended by WHO will help you take better care of your health.
The pressure monitor is available for purchase at selected business partners.
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MiPow Power Tube 3000 Lightning - Green
MiPow Power Tube 3000 is not just a drab power bank, but an everyday smart assistant for your iPhone. It is not just capacity, award-winning compact design or light weight, what MiPow Power Tube 3000 provides in place of each bag or purse. It is also features mutual search via Bluetooth, allowing to quickly find your phone, function remote camera shutter for a tuned selfie and other features that Power Tube 3000 offers in cooperation with the application JuiceSync2.
You will not have to pull any cables. A lightning connector cleverly concealed promptly recharges your iPhone or iPad, while the Power Tube 3000 recharges via USB connector.
Power Tube 3000 has been certified for iPod, iPhone and iPad
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Heat it - insect bite healer, USB-C smartphones
The smallest medically certified product for skin treatment after insect bites. Minimal in size, yet smarter and full of features that larger competing devices lack. That's Heat-It!
Itchy bites from mosquitoes or wasps can ruin even the best summer hike, family barbecue, or romantic dinner under the stars. Get reliable and handy relief! No, we're not talking about the often smelly little effective creams. Rely on the smart solution of Heat-it. Plug this little helper into your smartphone and turn it on with an app. Heat the sting area to a temperature of 51°C in seconds and the scratching is over. Yes, it's that simple.
This chemical-free, topical treatment for stings is scientifically approved. The short heat pulse reduces the transmission of stimuli to the nerves and the itch signal cannot be transmitted properly. The itching sensation disappears and you can keep on enjoying a scratch-free summer.
The whole process takes 4, 7, or 9 seconds depending on the setting. It is controlled by an app with 12 personalized modes for treating adults and children as young as 3 years old. The Heat-it weighs only 4 grams, so you can carry it everywhere with you, like a keychain. With a full phone battery, it lasts up to 1,000 uses - enough for you, your family, and friends. It can be applied to mosquito bites, bees, wasps, and horseflies.
• The treatment takes a maximum of 9 seconds
• Suitable for children from 3 years of age
• 12 personalized treatment programs
• Scientifically approved
• Certified for the EU as an official medical device
• No external batteries
• Compatible with Android and iPhones with USB-C connector
• Chemical-free treatment using only heat
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ShiftCam LensUltra 16mm Wide Angle
Overcome the limitations of your phone's built-in lenses to capture moments of higher quality and with cool effects! ShiftCam has produced a total of 7 unique lens attachments that have instantly earned a reputation as the highest-quality optics for mobile devices on the planet. One of them is the UltraLens 16mm Wide Angle.
This lens unlocks a new ultra-wide perspective and becomes your gateway to a world of stunning visuals. It will allow you to cover the full breadth of your environment with stunning clarity and depth. If you want to get even more content into a single frame and unleash your creativity, you will fall in love with its wide-angle shots! It'll also convince you that it's the most versatile lens on the go - its ability to capture a wide field of view makes it ideal for landscape and urban photography.
The lens has a lightweight and durable construction made of aerospace-grade aluminum, and fluorite lens coating. This mineral has the unique optical properties necessary for sharper, brighter, and more accurate images. You only need your device's camera to enjoy a new angle of view without losing resolution. Dare to discover its full potential with the ShiftCam LensUltra!
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ShiftCam LensUltra 1.55x Anamorphic
Overcome the limitations of your phone's built-in lenses to capture moments of higher quality and with cool effects! ShiftCam has produced a total of 7 unique lens attachments that have instantly earned a reputation as the highest-quality optics for mobile devices on the planet. One of them is this anamorphic lens for a captivating wide-angle view.
The unique aspect ratio of the lens lets you discover the magic of images cut from the movie screen. It allows you to get much more content into the frame than is possible with conventional mobile cameras. And you can do it without sacrificing image sharpness. Plus, its blue anamorphic flare instantly adds a unique atmosphere to your shots without the need for editing later.
The lens has a lightweight and durable construction made of aerospace-grade aluminum, and fluorite lens coating. This mineral has the unique optical properties necessary for sharper, brighter, and more accurate images. You only need your device's camera to enjoy a new angle of view without losing resolution. Dare to discover its full potential with the ShiftCam LensUltra!
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