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Robobloq Qobo – Interactive Pogrammable Snail for Children, 3-8 yo

Do you feel that your children have lost their interest for classic toys and prefer to reach for their mobile phone? Let's change that with the help of the Robobloq Qobo programmable snail. This interactive toy draws children into the action and teaches them a lot of new skills. In the age of smart technology, we need smarter toys. Robobloq Qobo is one of the so-called STEAM toys that help children learn in a non-violent and fun way. Both girls and boys feel that they are just playing and do not even perceive that they are learning new knowledge. The interactive snail helps to develop logical thinking, teaches the basics of programming and a foreign language. The modern toy impresses not only with its high-quality technical sophistication, but also with its attractive appearance. In addition, it is compatible with LEGO and your children can decorate the snail according to their wishes. The set includes 30 playing cards that can be stacked as a puzzle. Note: The package may contain either the blue or orange variation. Colour variation cannot be selected. To mě zajímá

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Shifu Tacto Laser – board games for a tablet

Do you feel like finding a fun toy that also teaches children something new is an impossible task? And why is it so complicated when children learn the best while playing? Shifu toy makers answer these questions with an amazing interactive globe called Orboot, which presents the world imaginatively and comprehensibly to children. Interesting facts about nature, culture or technology will be shown to children thanks to augmented reality technology on the screen of a tablet or smartphone in 4D processing. Children tap three-dimensional objects to find out more details according to what they are most interested in. In addition, every step is accompanied by a spoken word. Orboot is also equipped with travel props - a passport, a stamp and a sticker booklet to make exploratory trips around the world even more authentic. In the passport, children mark a visit to any country they virtually travel on the globe. To mě zajímá


Shifu Tacto Chess – logical game for a tablet

Do you feel like finding a fun toy that also teaches children something new is an impossible task? And why is it so complicated when children learn the best while playing? Shifu toy makers answer these questions with an amazing interactive globe called Orboot, which presents the world imaginatively and comprehensibly to children. Interesting facts about nature, culture or technology will be shown to children thanks to augmented reality technology on the screen of a tablet or smartphone in 4D processing. Children tap three-dimensional objects to find out more details according to what they are most interested in. In addition, every step is accompanied by a spoken word. Orboot is also equipped with travel props - a passport, a stamp and a sticker booklet to make exploratory trips around the world even more authentic. In the passport, children mark a visit to any country they virtually travel on the globe. To mě zajímá


Shifu Tacto Classics – board games for a tablet

Do you feel like finding a fun toy that also teaches children something new is an impossible task? And why is it so complicated when children learn the best while playing? Shifu toy makers answer these questions with an amazing interactive globe called Orboot, which presents the world imaginatively and comprehensibly to children. Interesting facts about nature, culture or technology will be shown to children thanks to augmented reality technology on the screen of a tablet or smartphone in 4D processing. Children tap three-dimensional objects to find out more details according to what they are most interested in. In addition, every step is accompanied by a spoken word. Orboot is also equipped with travel props - a passport, a stamp and a sticker booklet to make exploratory trips around the world even more authentic. In the passport, children mark a visit to any country they virtually travel on the globe. To mě zajímá


Shifu Plugo Count - Matematical games for tablet

Plugo is an interactive educational game for your tablet using augmented reality technology. Does that sounds pretty boring to you? Then you haven't seen Plugo in action yet. Action and entertainment are all the more important because everything that children put on a magnetic pad creates feedback in a colourful story on the tablet screen, thanks to AR technology. So children do not even realize that they voluntarily solve mathematics. The whole system of Plugo games is based on the concept of STEM education and uses a playful and imaginative approach to introduce children to technology and mathematics. The companion app includes a large number of fun games at age-appropriate levels, ranging from approximately 5 to 11 years old, so that your siblings and friends will be entertained reliably. The set includes a pad with a slot for attaching a tablet and a magnetic surface to play and a Plugo Count game containing 2 sets of numbers with signs (+, -, /, x) and a pedestal. To mě zajímá

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Shifu Orboot – interactive AR globe for children - Dinos

Do you feel like finding a fun toy that also teaches children something new is an impossible task? And why is it so complicated when children learn the best while playing? Shifu toy makers answer these questions with an amazing interactive globe called Orboot, which presents the world imaginatively and comprehensibly to children. Interesting facts about nature, culture or technology will be shown to children thanks to augmented reality technology on the screen of a tablet or smartphone in 4D processing. Children tap three-dimensional objects to find out more details according to what they are most interested in. In addition, every step is accompanied by a spoken word. Orboot is also equipped with travel props - a passport, a stamp and a sticker booklet to make exploratory trips around the world even more authentic. In the passport, children mark a visit to any country they virtually travel on the globe. To mě zajímá

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Shifu Tacto Coding – logical coding game for a tablet

Do you feel like finding a fun toy that also teaches children something new is an impossible task? And why is it so complicated when children learn the best while playing? Shifu toy makers answer these questions with an amazing interactive globe called Orboot, which presents the world imaginatively and comprehensibly to children. Interesting facts about nature, culture or technology will be shown to children thanks to augmented reality technology on the screen of a tablet or smartphone in 4D processing. Children tap three-dimensional objects to find out more details according to what they are most interested in. In addition, every step is accompanied by a spoken word. Orboot is also equipped with travel props - a passport, a stamp and a sticker booklet to make exploratory trips around the world even more authentic. In the passport, children mark a visit to any country they virtually travel on the globe. To mě zajímá


Backbone One - Mobile Gaming Controller for USB-C - 2nd Gen

A Backbone One a telefonodat végső játékkonzollá alakítja át. Pattintsd be a telefonodat USB-C csatlakozóval, és játssz bármilyen játékot vagy szolgáltatást, amely támogatja a vezérlőket, beleértve a Google Play Store-t, az Xbox Game Pass Ultimate-ot és a streaminget közvetlenül az Xboxról vagy a PC-ről. Nincs töltés, nincs várakozás a frissítésekre és nincs fárasztó beállítás. Fedezd fel a prémium játékok új világát másodpercek alatt. Játsszon bármilyen vezérlőt támogató játékkal: Reagáló analóg ravaszok, tapintható gombok és kattintható hüvelykujjasok a tökéletes mobil játékélményért. Alacsony késleltetés, áthaladó töltés és 3,5 mm-es fejhallgató-csatlakozó: Csatlakoztatható a telefon USB-C portjához az ultra-rezonáló játékhoz. Játék közben töltheted és használhatod kedvenc fejhallgatódat. A Backbone alkalmazás a tartalomkönyvtáradat és a játékstreaming-szolgáltatásokat egységes felhasználói élményben egyesíti. A Backbone+ előfizetéses próbaverzió tartalmazza: Több mint 20 alkalmazásfunkció, kedvezmény és játékbeli jutalom feloldása. A Backbone+ előfizetés NEM szükséges a Backbone One kontrollerrel való játékhoz. Az ingyenes alkalmazás ingyenes firmware-frissítéseket és a kontroller kezeléséhez szükséges funkciókat tartalmaz.² USB-C csatlakozóval rendelkező iPhone és Android készülékekkel működik. To mě zajímá


Backbone One Mobile Gaming Controller for Lightning - 2nd Gen

Backbone One transforms your iPhone device into the ultimate gaming console. Snap in your phone and play any game or service that supports controllers, including Apple Arcade, Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, or even stream from your Xbox, PlayStation or PC. Backbone One gaming controller of the second generation features two sets of magnetic adapters that allow for even better phone fit and a reshaped D-pad that enhances responsiveness, resulting in superior feel and control across multiple gameplay genres. The Backbone app organizes your content library and game streaming services into an integrated user experience. Uncover a new world of premium gaming in seconds. • Game console quality on the go • Lightning port • Support for the iOS operating system • Simultaneous gaming and charging • 3.5mm headphone port To mě zajímá


Backbone One - Apple Edition Mobile Gaming Controller for USB-C

Backbone One transforms your iPhone or Android device into the ultimate gaming console. Snap in your phone and play any game or service that supports controllers, including Apple Arcade, App Store games, Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, or even stream from your Xbox, PlayStation or PC. Backbone's Second Generation device features two sets of magnetic adapters that allow for even better phone fit along with a reshaped D-pad which enhances responsiveness, resulting in superior feel and control across multiple genres of gameplay. The Backbone app organises your content library and game streaming services into an integrated user experience. Uncover a new world of premium gaming in seconds. • Game console quality on the go • USB-C port • Support for iOs and Android operating system • Simultaneous gaming and device charging • 3.5mm headphone jack To mě zajímá


Backbone One - Apple Edition Mobile Gaming Controller for Lightning

Backbone One transforms your iPhone into the ultimate gaming console. Snap in your iPhone and play any iOS game or service that supports controllers, including Apple Arcade, App Store games or even stream from your Xbox, PlayStation or PC. The Backbone app organises your content library and game streaming services into an integrated user experience. Uncover a new world of premium gaming in seconds. • Game console quality on the go • Lightning port • Support for the iOS operating system • Simultaneous gaming and charging • 3.5mm headphone port To mě zajímá


Backbone One - PlayStation Edition Mobile Gaming Controller for USB-C - 2nd Gen

Inspired by the look and feel of the PS DualSense™ wireless controller, the Backbone One PlayStation Edition transforms your Android and all-new iPhone 16 Series into the ultimate gaming console. Snap in your phone and play any game or service that supports controllers, including Apple Arcade, Google Play Store, GeForce NOW or even stream from PlayStation with PS Remote Play or PC. Backbone Second Generation controller features two sets of magnetic adapters that allow for even better phone fit along with a reshaped D-pad which enhances responsiveness, resulting in superior feel and control across multiple genres of gameplay. The Backbone app organises your content library and game streaming services into an integrated user experience. Uncover a new world of premium gaming in seconds. • Game console quality on the go • USB-C port • Support for iOs and Android operating system • Simultaneous gaming and device charging • 3.5mm headphone jack To mě zajímá


Backbone One - PlayStation Edition Mobile Gaming Controller for Lightning - 2nd Gen

Inspired by the look and feel of the PS DualSense™ wireless controller, the Backbone One PlayStation Edition transforms your iPhone device into the ultimate gaming console. Snap in your iPhone and play any game or service that supports controllers, including App Store, GeForce NOW, or even stream from PlayStation with PS Remote Play or PC. The Second Generation device features two sets of magnetic adapters that allow for even better phone fit and a reshaped D-pad that enhances responsiveness, resulting in superior feel and control across multiple gameplay genres. The Backbone app organizes your content library and game streaming services into an integrated user experience. Uncover a new world of premium gaming in seconds. • Console Quality On the Go • Lighting Port • Made for Apple, Designed in Collaboration with PlayStation • Low-latency Connection • 3,5mm Headset Jack • Backbone+ Trial Included • 3 Free Months of Apple Arcade To mě zajímá


Particula GoChess Mini

Chess has won the hearts of players around the world over the centuries. And there is no wonder! Despite their relatively simple rules, they are incredibly complex. They can challenge the mind and memory while entertaining for hours. But in the 21st century, it's time for a chess revolution, brought to the market by Particula. Meet the GoChess Mini, a smart chess board with sensory lighting, connectivity to a companion app, and AI technology. Enjoy chess anytime, anywhere, and with anyone. The companion app features other players from around the world but also lets you learn from your past games and analyze your every move. You can also play with the AI on over 32 different levels. Built-in chessboard light sensors will hint at your learning moves based on what you've already mastered and show you the best solution. So you'll stay on top of your game and improve quickly. Fall in love with the slim design, sophisticated pieces, and advanced engineering of GoChess Mini, and keep your game close at hand. ● Compact size suitable for travel ● Precise workmanship ● Suitable for beginners and advanced players ● Smart integrated LED system ● GoChess companion app ● Built-in rechargeable battery ● Reliable Bluetooth connectivity To mě zajímá

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Particula Rubik's X

Have you always wanted to figure out the Rubik's Cube, but never learned the algorithm? Do you envy experienced players who can complete it in minutes, even in a few seconds? Now you too can get into its secrets and thanks to training join the cool speed-cubers’s club! Rubik's X – the modern smart version of the cube by Particula – can help you. While it keeps its classic original look, it brings a bunch of 21st-century features due to a mobile app connection. Most of all, the new features are tailored for beginners and complete newbies. Connect the puzzle via Bluetooth to your device and get started with a tutorial. It will teach you how to put the puzzle together in just 1 hour in a fun and interactive way. Once you've mastered the basics, you'll be able to get down to practice and games. Integrated sensors will measure your time and transmit the movements and orientation of the cube. You'll be able to track everything in real-time on your smartphone display and return to the data later. You'll be able to view interesting statistics and track your progress as well. The cube is battery-powered. It lasts for about 60 playing hours, then you can easily replace the cell battery with another one. The Rubik's Connected app is available for free for Android and iOS devices. • Classic design, modern premium features • Suitable especially for beginners • Replaceable cell battery • Connects to the companion Rubik's Connected app • Puzzle-solving tutorial, games, and training • Smart sensors for time measuring and cube movements transmitting To mě zajímá


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