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Vivoo Urine Test

Listen to the voice of your body! Vivoo is here to help you with personalized advice to improve your wellness practices and live a fuller, healthier life. There's only one thing standing between you and all that – a home urine test! It couldn't be easier – you know what to do with your test strip. Once used, scan it in the app and wait a moment for your score. What's your hydration level? Do you have adequate magnesium intake? What is the pH of your urine? And what's your ketones level? Vivoo monitors 9 important parameters that fundamentally affect our health and overall well-being. Home testing offers an unparalleled level of privacy and convenience. Within 90 seconds, you get real-time data about your body, an overview of key nutrient levels, and information about potential health risks. Most importantly, you'll receive helpful nutrition and lifestyle recommendations specific to your needs. Repeat the test every week and watch the positive impact of the changes you are making. Vivoo works with qualified doctors, dietitians, and nutritionists to ensure the advice is truly informed. The accuracy of these test strips has been verified by clinical tests by independent laboratories. To mě zajímá


Vivoo Urine Test, 12 units

Listen to the voice of your body! Vivoo is here to help you with personalized advice to improve your wellness practices and live a fuller, healthier life. There's only one thing standing between you and all that – a home urine test! It couldn't be easier – you know what to do with your test strip. Once used, scan it in the app and wait a moment for your score. What's your hydration level? Do you have adequate magnesium intake? What is the pH of your urine? And what's your ketones level? Vivoo monitors 9 important parameters that fundamentally affect our health and overall well-being. Home testing offers an unparalleled level of privacy and convenience. Within 90 seconds, you get real-time data about your body, an overview of key nutrient levels, and information about potential health risks. Most importantly, you'll receive helpful nutrition and lifestyle recommendations specific to your needs. Repeat the test every week and watch the positive impact of the changes you are making. Vivoo works with qualified doctors, dietitians, and nutritionists to ensure the advice is truly informed. The accuracy of these test strips has been verified by clinical tests by independent laboratories. To mě zajímá


Vivoo Urine Test, 4 units

Listen to the voice of your body! Vivoo is here to help you with personalized advice to improve your wellness practices and live a fuller, healthier life. There's only one thing standing between you and all that – a home urine test! It couldn't be easier – you know what to do with your test strip. Once used, scan it in the app and wait a moment for your score. What's your hydration level? Do you have adequate magnesium intake? What is the pH of your urine? And what's your ketones level? Vivoo monitors 9 important parameters that fundamentally affect our health and overall well-being. Home testing offers an unparalleled level of privacy and convenience. Within 90 seconds, you get real-time data about your body, an overview of key nutrient levels, and information about potential health risks. Most importantly, you'll receive helpful nutrition and lifestyle recommendations specific to your needs. Repeat the test every week and watch the positive impact of the changes you are making. Vivoo works with qualified doctors, dietitians, and nutritionists to ensure the advice is truly informed. The accuracy of these test strips has been verified by clinical tests by independent laboratories. To mě zajímá


Faitron HeatsBox STYLE Heated Lunch Box

Do you want only the best for your health? Then don't look for compromises, but HeatsBox STYLE! This box is a revolution in food heating. It heats your food evenly within 25 minutes and then keeps it at the best temperature for as long as needed. Just plug the box into a power source with the included cable and start heating directly on the device. The temperature never exceeds 85°C, so food stays wholesome, doesn't overcook, and doesn't lose nutritional value. HeatsBox STYLE is lightweight, compact, and low in energy consumption. Thanks to its 100% sealing and minimal weight, you can transport any food in it without the slightest concern. You can eat the heated food directly from the removable inner dish. Once done, you can simply wash it together with the others. High-quality workmanship, innovative materials, and fine-tuned technological elements complement the timeless design. All this makes the HeatsBox STYLE a great helper for all-day warm meals at home, at work, and during long journeys! • Heating food without a microwave • Food ready in 15-25 min • Limits the loss of vitamins • Maximum temperature up to 85 °C • Even heating of the food • High security • Quality materials • Low power consumption • Supports all-day hot meals To mě zajímá


iHealth PT3 – Érintés nélküli lázmérő

Az iHealth PT3 infravörös sugárral működő, érintés nélküli lázmérő, mely a homlokhoz tartva egy másodperc alatt elvégzi a mérést. A PT3 lázmérővel biztonságosan megmérheti bárki lázát anélkül, hogy hozzáérjen. Kialakításának köszönhetően könnyedén használható, elég csupán egy másodpercre a homlok elé tartani és már meg is van az eredmény. A pontos mérést segítik az eszközben található távolságot és környezeti hőmérsékletet érzékelő szenzorok, a mérés végeztével a lázmérő rezgéssel jelez, így akár alvás közben is gond nélkül megmérheti szerettei hőmérsékletét. • Irányítsa a lázmérőt a megfelelő helyre és kezdje meg a mérést • Eredmény már egy másodpercen belül • A mérés végeztével az eszköz rezgéssel jelez, nem ad ki hangot • Könnyedén olvasható LED kijelző • Ideális kisgyermekek lázának mérésére Ez a lázmérő nem kapcsolódik az iHealth MyVitals applikációhoz, az elvégzett mérések nem kerülnek tárolásra az alkalmazásban. To mě zajímá


iHealth EGS-2003 tesztcsíkok az iHealth glükométerhez

Egyszer használatos iHealth EGS-2003 tesztcsíkok az iHealth GLUCO BG5 intelligens vércukorszint-ellenőrző készülékhez. A csomag 50 db tesztcsíkot tartalmaz a vércukorszint megméréséhez. A tesztcsík a hajszálerekből vett tűhegynyi minta alapján állapítja vércukorszintjét. Használat előtt a kéz megmosása, fertőtlenítése javasolt. To mě zajímá


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