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WHOOSH! Screen Shine törlőkendők – 20 db

A WHOOSH! Screen Shine törlőkendő instant megoldást nyújt okostelefonja gyors és alapos megtisztításához, egyúttal eltűnteti az ujjlenyomatokat valamint megóvja a felületet vírusoktól és baktériumoktól! A felhasznált tisztítófolyadék nanoréteget hoz létre a kijelző felületén, mely óvja és szennyeződésmentesen tartja a képernyőt. A WHOOSH! Screen Shine 100%-ig organikus összetevőkből áll, sem alkoholt, sem ammóniát nem tartalmaz, alkalmas MacBook képernyő valamint szemüveg tisztítására egyaránt. To mě zajímá


Anyware Smart Wi-Fi Adaptor With Security Sensors – E27/E14

Are you excited by the idea of a smart home with electronics that make your life easier? However, you don’t want to deal with the complicated selection, installation, and high price? Then you will find the ideal solution in Anyware smart Wi-Fi lamp adaptor with security sensors. Just screw the smart Wi-Fi lamp adaptor with 3 sensors into the existing light socket and you can immediately take advantage of the preset scenes that take care of your comfort and safety. The basic package includes 3 scenes - burglary prevention, indoor climate monitoring and energy saving mode. Anyware is a lamp adaptor from E27 to E14 LED. There is no need to interfere with the wiring and no additional receivers are needed. Anyware has built-in Wi-Fi, temperature, humidity and sound sensors. Your smartphone will work as a remote with a free app. To mě zajímá


Acopower LiONCooler 30L Freezer w/o Power bank

ACOPOWER's portable fridge/freezer is a game changer for your outdoor adventures. With alternative power options from a car battery, solar panel, or power bank, it's perfect for life off the grid. Recharge your backup powerbank using a solar panel, car battery, or via a traditional AC outlet when you find yourself back in civilization. It lasts up to 12 hours on a single charge. The portable freezer finds its use in a wide range of activities, such as fishing, hiking, mountain trips, boating, camping, or hunting. It is great for storing not only food but also medical supplies. Cottagers, builders, gardeners, and all other groups of people who have limited access to electricity for various reasons will also appreciate its benefits. There is no doubt that it will keep all your food and drinks perfectly chilled. You can adjust the internal temperature within a wide range of ±20°C. You can control it either directly on the digital display or via the companion app. For easier handling, the LiONCooler is equipped with a telescopic handle and sturdy wheels that you can take boldly into the field. To mě zajímá

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Acopower LiONCooler Mini 18L Freezer w/o Power bank

Do you love hiking and camping? Now you can enjoy them in a little more comfort. ACOPOWER makes your favourite outdoor activities more enjoyable with its lightweight portable cooler. You can enjoy a well-chilled drink or fresh food at any time. You can keep the LiONCooler Mini running off the grid by connecting it to a car battery, solar panel or backup power bank. The portable solar freezer finds its use in all activities such as fishing, hiking, mountain trips, boating, camping, hunting. It is great for storing and transporting not only food but also medical supplies. Cottagers, builders, gardeners and all other groups of people who have limited access to electricity for various reasons will also appreciate the benefits of a portable freezer. The fridge allows you to set the internal temperature within a range of ±20°C. You can control it, as well as check the battery level, via the digital display or the accompanying application. You can stretch the battery life to a long 15 hours. To mě zajímá


Acopower 193Wh Power bank for LiONCooler/LiONCooler Mini

Acopower is a specialist in off-grid and portable energy solutions. Its flagship products are the LiONCooler portable refrigerators and freezers, which will make your stay in the wilderness more enjoyable without the need to connect to the electricity main socket. To really enjoy their capabilities to the full, you can't do without this Acopower power bank with an impressive 193 Wh capacity. You can recharge it with the help of a solar panel, a car battery or via a conventional AC socket. But the battery is not only used in conjunction with the portable refrigerator. It can seamlessly replace a conventional power bank and supply juice to your smart devices whenever and wherever you need it. Attention, Acopower has even equipped it with a built-in LED flashlight, which can come in handy not only when camping. To mě zajímá


Zendure 200W Solar Panel

Zendure is no novice when it comes to portable energy sources. It specializes in producing premium quality products that are both affordable and environmentally friendly. The Zendure solar panel uses advanced sunlight absorption technology to boast unprecedentedly high conversion rates and efficiency even in low light conditions. It is water and dust resistant and, as we have come to expect from Zendure, also portable. It weighs just 9kg and folds very easily into a storage bag, making it a great companion for any outdoor excursion. Although light and compact, its construction is durable enough to withstand the elements and the various challenges of travel. The solar panel is equipped with an adjustable stand that allows you to position it at the best possible angle for charging. It is compatible with the Zendure SuperBase Pro, with which it makes a perfect pair. Just the one you'll want to take on your next camping trip. The unbeatable advantages of the Zendure solar panel: • High conversion rate & efficiency • Dust and water resistant • Portable and storable • Built-in stand • Aplication • High rated power To mě zajímá


Bluetens Power Pack for Abdominals

Mindannyian egészséges és erős hasizmokat szeretnénk. Ki ne szeretne szép és feszes hasizmokat, amelyek minden férfi büszkeségei, és nem csak nyáron a strandon. Manapság kevés embernek van motivációja arra, hogy foglalkozzon a törzsével. Pedig ez a súlyzós edzés legfontosabb része, mert az erős törzs nagyszerű támaszt nyújt az összes többi izomnak. A Bluetens Power Pack nagyszerű választás, hiszen nemcsak maga az edzés során segít ebben, hanem a megerőltető edzés utáni regenerálódást is felgyorsítja. Tudja a legjobbat és fejlődjön minden nap a megnövekedett izomterhelési hatékonyságnak köszönhetően. A Power Pack tartalmaz egy elektrostimulátort, övcsipeszt, kábelt és speciálisan kialakított ABS elektródákat, amelyek segítik a hasizmok fejlődését. Az alkalmazáshoz egy speciális, sportszakértők által létrehozott opciót adtunk hozzá, hogy acélból készült hasizmokat kapj! A Bluetens elektródák kiváló minőségűek és a legjobb vezetőképességgel rendelkeznek. Egy csomag csereelektróda 3 db 2 darabos elektróda készletet tartalmaz a hasizmokhoz. Az elektrostimulátorral végzett edzés rengeteg krónikus és akut fájdalmat old meg a fájdalomcsillapítók terhe nélkül. Segít javítani a sportteljesítményt és enyhíti az izomfeszültséget. A Bluetens Power Pack verhetetlen előnyei: • Hatékony 4 hét alatt • Hagyja, hogy az alkalmazás vezesse Önt: válassza ki a szintet, gyakoroljon, regenerálódjon, majd nyújtson. • Ergonomikusan kialakított elektródák, amelyek alkalmazkodnak a hasizmok alakjához • Integrált videók a fizikai gyakorlatok elvégzéséhez si • Complete kit including electrostimulator To mě zajímá


Bluetens Power Kit Extension for Abdominals

Szeretne határozott hasizmokat? Edzését és étrendjét kiegészítheti az elektroterápiával. A Bluetens hasizomkészletet kifejezetten erre az izomcsoportra tervezték, és segít az erősítésében és rehabilitációjában. Használata a leghatékonyabb edzés közben vagy egy kemény edzés után a gyorsabb regenerálódás érdekében. Az elektromos stimuláció számos krónikus és akut fájdalmat is kezel, fájdalomcsillapítók használata nélkül. Segít javítani a sportteljesítményt és enyhíti az izomfeszültséget. Az Expansion Power Kit övcsipeszt, kábelt és 3 pár ergonomikusan formázott elektródát tartalmaz - ezért olyan felhasználók számára is alkalmas, akik már rendelkeznek elektrostimulátorral. Az elektroterápiát a Bluetens Get Better alkalmazás támogatja, amelyet sportszakértők fejlesztettek ki. Hagyja, hogy az alkalmazás vezesse Önt - válassza ki a szintet, végezze el a gyakorlatot, majd nyújtson. Az elektroterápiával egyidejűleg széles videoadatbázis segít a fizikai gyakorlatok helyes végrehajtásában. Az elektródák többször is használhatók, és 20-30 használatig megőrzik vezetőképességüket. Hosszabb távú működőképességüket száraz, tiszta bőrre felhelyezve támogathatja. Tárolja őket eredeti, újrazárható tartályukban, hogy megakadályozza a vezető gél kiszáradását.

 • Bővítő készlet az abs-hez • Ergonomikusan kialakított elektródák, kiváló minőségben • Kiváló vezetőképesség • 20-30 használatig tart • Hatékony 4 hét alatt • A társalkalmazás támogatása • Videók az elektrostimulációval egyidejűleg végzett fizikai gyakorlatok elvégzéséhez To mě zajímá


ShiftCam ProLED | RGBWW Panel

Take your video production and photography to the next level with a portable LED panel from ShiftCam. Its 20 preset modes and three manually adjustable RGB, HSI and CCT modes will ensure flawless lighting of any set. Quickly setting the RGB colour spectrum in 360 steps (hues) with selectable saturation allows you to conjure up different light moods, cool effects and play with light painting in the entire colour spectrum. A CCT mode ranging from 2500K to a whopping 9000K lets you shoot portraits or vlogs with natural white light that flatters any skin tone. For a change, the HSI colour model most closely matches the human perception of colours and is adjustable in the range from 0 to 100. Despite its phenomenal performance, the ShiftCam panel is compact with economical dimensions. For easier work, you can attach it to any standard cold shoe tripod and set it horizontally or vertically. It is also compatible with other accessories - cameras, smartphones and laptops. Zachyťte nejreálnější barvy fotografie díky Shiftcam RGBWW panelu s bohatými možnostmi nastavění. Vestavěný nabíjecí akumulátor poskytuje dostatečnou energii až na 15 hodin provozu. Bohaté možností nastavění. Capture the most realistic colours thanks to the Shiftcam RGBWW panel with rich adjustment options. The built-in rechargeable battery provides enough energy for up to 15 hours of operation. Rich configuration options. • Up to 20 preset modes including dynamic ones • Manually adjustable RGB, CCT and HSI modes • Lighting intensity setting for all modes • Cold Shoe adapter for universal attachment • Integrated battery 11.47 Wh • Lasts up to 15 hours on a single charge • Up to 2500K for "Golden Hour" mode at sunset • Built-in diffuser To mě zajímá


Cololight Strip Power extension (for maximum length)

The cable is used to connect the Cololight STRIP Starter Kit (with the main controller) and the expanding 2 m Cololight STRIP LEDs. The USB cable is compatible with both versions - 30 LED/m and 60 LED/m. Maximum length of Cololight STRIP: • 60 LED/m: 6 m • 30 LED/m: 8 m To mě zajímá


ShiftCam Pro Camera Wrist Strap - Charcoal

ShiftCam is a specialist in smart accessories that can make taking videos and photos with your phone more enjoyable. A new addition to their portfolio is this lightweight cotton wrist strap. In addition to providing your device with greater security, it also shows out with other novel details that will make you fall in love with it. It is primarily a quick-release buckle or a mini case for a microfiber cloth for cleaning the lens or the display itself. The strap forms a perfect pair with the ShiftCam ProGrip attachment. But it doesn't matter at all that if you don't use it. Thanks to a set of adapters, the strap is compatible with most phone cases. To mě zajímá


Tractive GPS CAT Mini - Brown

Kövesse nyomon doromboló barátját a Tractive GPS-macskanyomkövetővel. Ez a többfunkciós macskanyomkövető könnyedén rögzíthető kedvence nyakörvéhez. A segítségével elérheti a valós idejű helyzetét, valamint nyomon követheti egészségügyi állapotát és aktivitását. To mě zajímá


ShiftCam LensUltra 16mm Wide Angle

Overcome the limitations of your phone's built-in lenses to capture moments of higher quality and with cool effects! ShiftCam has produced a total of 7 unique lens attachments that have instantly earned a reputation as the highest-quality optics for mobile devices on the planet. One of them is the UltraLens 16mm Wide Angle. This lens unlocks a new ultra-wide perspective and becomes your gateway to a world of stunning visuals. It will allow you to cover the full breadth of your environment with stunning clarity and depth. If you want to get even more content into a single frame and unleash your creativity, you will fall in love with its wide-angle shots! It'll also convince you that it's the most versatile lens on the go - its ability to capture a wide field of view makes it ideal for landscape and urban photography. The lens has a lightweight and durable construction made of aerospace-grade aluminum, and fluorite lens coating. This mineral has the unique optical properties necessary for sharper, brighter, and more accurate images. You only need your device's camera to enjoy a new angle of view without losing resolution. Dare to discover its full potential with the ShiftCam LensUltra! To mě zajímá


Tractive GPS XL USB cable with charger

The Tractive DOG XL GPS locator is kept running by a high-capacity battery that lasts up to 4 long weeks on a single charge. When the time comes to re-energize it, this USB charging cable will come in handy. Just clip its adapter firmly onto the back of the tracker with the magnetic gold charging points and connect it to a power source. The tracker will automatically turn on and confirm that charging is in progress by illuminating the LED light. After approximately 5 hours, the battery will be fully ready for action again. Disconnect the tracker with a slight tug on the cable, attach it to your furry pet's collar, and head out for adventure! To mě zajímá


Muggo UV sterilisation Thermos - White

Hydrate your body with perfectly clean and fresh water throughout the day. The Muggo UV Sterilisation Thermos will help you to do just that. City water in pipes can pick up unwanted bacteria, viruses and other contaminants before it makes all the way through the pipes to your home. The Muggo UV Sterilising Thermos cleans it of 99.9% of bacteria in only three minutes, thanks to innovative ultraviolet technology, giving it a fresh and healthy taste. The high quality stainless steel shell will keep your drink hot for up to 12 hours and cold for a full 24 hours. Fill the thermos and keep it with you at all times as a great hydration helper and stylish accessory. The thermos is lightweight, durable and thanks to the silicone hand loop, you won't leave it anywhere. Just double tap the lid display and the cleaning will start itself. It will then alert you once the water is clean and also let you know whenever the battery needs to be recharged. However, the battery lasts at least a month without recharging. The unbeatable advantages of the Muggo UV Sterilising Thermos: • UV cleaning technology • Long battery life • LCD display • High quality stainless steel Hydration has never been easier! To mě zajímá

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