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Lite bulb Moments Smart bulb with technology UVC +2700 reduces and neutralize virus and bacteria

With this innovative and high-quality Lite bulb moments Smart Care UV-C bulb, you can easily reduce viruses, bacteria and fungi in your home, in an open space of up to 20 m2. The product consists of two parts, which are interdependent and must therefore be used simultaneously. The base is a classic smart LED bulb in the form of an outer ring, which has a number of great features, such as a dimmer or timer. You can easily control it using the Lite application, you can set everything up with a few taps on your smartphone. You can easily screw the bactericidal UV-C bulb into the LED ring. It is paired via Wi-Fi so you can control it from your mobile phone from anywhere in the world. Control is possible using the Lite application, or via Google Home or Alexa Amazon. Lite bulb moments products are environmentally friendly because they are long-lasting and 100% recyclable. To mě zajímá


tomtoc Light-A21 Dual-color Slim Laptop Handbag, 13,5 Inch - Gray

Style, comfort, and reliable protection are combined in the new tomtoc laptop bag. You can wear it as a handbag or as a sleeve in your backpack. Due to its timeless elegance and versatility, it will become the perfect addition to your working wardrobe. Its main pocket features a soft velvet lining with thick padding to protect your laptop from bumps and scratches. The bag has two spacious pockets, so you will have plenty of room for your working essentials, documents, electronic accessories, or cosmetics. Alongside your comfort, top-quality components and eco-friendly materials play a key role. First and foremost are the premium Japanese YKK zippers and the recycled top fabric used. The fabric is smooth, highly resistant, and waterproof at the same time. Water droplets or spilled beverages will roll down gracefully without getting any closer to the stored device. The subtle design of the bag is an example of minimalism at its best. The dual-color design gives the bag a note of playfulness and originality. To mě zajímá

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tomtoc Light-A21 Dual-color Slim Laptop Handbag, 13,5 Inch - Blue

Style, comfort, and reliable protection are combined in the new tomtoc laptop bag. You can wear it as a handbag or as a sleeve in your backpack. Due to its timeless elegance and versatility, it will become the perfect addition to your working wardrobe. Its main pocket features a soft velvet lining with thick padding to protect your laptop from bumps and scratches. The bag has two spacious pockets, so you will have plenty of room for your working essentials, documents, electronic accessories, or cosmetics. Alongside your comfort, top-quality components and eco-friendly materials play a key role. First and foremost are the premium Japanese YKK zippers and the recycled top fabric used. The fabric is smooth, highly resistant, and waterproof at the same time. Water droplets or spilled beverages will roll down gracefully without getting any closer to the stored device. The subtle design of the bag is an example of minimalism at its best. The dual-color design gives the bag a note of playfulness and originality. To mě zajímá

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tomtoc Light-A21 Dual-color Slim Laptop Handbag, 13,5 Inch - Cookie

Style, comfort, and reliable protection are combined in the new tomtoc laptop bag. You can wear it as a handbag or as a sleeve in your backpack. Due to its timeless elegance and versatility, it will become the perfect addition to your working wardrobe. Its main pocket features a soft velvet lining with thick padding to protect your laptop from bumps and scratches. The bag has two spacious pockets, so you will have plenty of room for your working essentials, documents, electronic accessories, or cosmetics. Alongside your comfort, top-quality components and eco-friendly materials play a key role. First and foremost are the premium Japanese YKK zippers and the recycled top fabric used. The fabric is smooth, highly resistant, and waterproof at the same time. Water droplets or spilled beverages will roll down gracefully without getting any closer to the stored device. The subtle design of the bag is an example of minimalism at its best. The dual-color design gives the bag a note of playfulness and originality. To mě zajímá

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tomtoc Light-A21 Dual-color Slim Laptop Handbag, 13,5 Inch - Raspberry

Style, comfort, and reliable protection are combined in the new tomtoc laptop bag. You can wear it as a handbag or as a sleeve in your backpack. Due to its timeless elegance and versatility, it will become the perfect addition to your working wardrobe. Its main pocket features a soft velvet lining with thick padding to protect your laptop from bumps and scratches. The bag has two spacious pockets, so you will have plenty of room for your working essentials, documents, electronic accessories, or cosmetics. Alongside your comfort, top-quality components and eco-friendly materials play a key role. First and foremost are the premium Japanese YKK zippers and the recycled top fabric used. The fabric is smooth, highly resistant, and waterproof at the same time. Water droplets or spilled beverages will roll down gracefully without getting any closer to the stored device. The subtle design of the bag is an example of minimalism at its best. The dual-color design gives the bag a note of playfulness and originality. To mě zajímá

Megrendelve a gyártótól

tomtoc Briefcase – 14" MacBook Pro (2021), Black

Udržitelnost a ekologická nenáročnost je v současné době jednou z nejpalčivějších průmyslových otázek. Společnost Tomtoc k naší planetě není lhostejná a pro vývoj univerzální brašny A14 pro 14.2“ MacBook Pro využívá alternativního materiálu recyklovaných PET lahví. Kromě udržitelnosti však společnost vsází na vysokou ochranu přenášeného zařízení, precizní designérské zpracování a uživatelskou přívětivost. Kromě hlavní kapsy na notebook nebo tablet brašna nabízí dostatek prostoru pro příslušenství i osobní potřeby. Několik dalších přihrádek a popruhů v prostorné přední kapse zajistí dokonalý pořádek a organizaci. Černá minimalistická brašna je nenápadná a díky nadčasovému designu padne k obleku i volnočasovému outfitu. Společnost Tomtoc dbá především na bezpečí přenášeného zařízení. Spodní rohy brašny jsou pevně vyztuženy a při pádu tak brašna funguje jako airbag pro váš notebook či tablet. Vnitřek hlavní kapsy je podšit pevnou, avšak jemnou flísovou vrstvou a kolem zipů YKK je lem flísu, aby nedošlo k poškrábání zařízení. I přes kvalitu použitých materiálů a komponentů taška zůstává lehká a díky měkké rukojeti z veganské kůže je vhodná i pro nošení na delší vzdálenosti. • Využití 100% recyklovaných PET lahví na vrchní vrstvu brašny • Kvalitní materiály • Dokonalá ochrana • Uživatelská přívětivost • R Praktická organizace kapes • Kompatibilní se zařízeními velikosti 14.2 palců a menší Pozn.: Fotky produktu jsou ilustrační. Produkt může mít drobné barevné rozlišení rukojeti, popruhů a dalších doplňků oproti uvedeným obrázkům. To mě zajímá

Megrendelve a gyártótól

tomtoc Urban Shoulderbag – 14" MacBook Pro (2021), Gray

Stylová šedá brašna Tomtoc Urban H14 pro 14.2“ MacBook Pro spojuje precizní designérské zpracování, praktičnost a vysokou ochranu vašeho digitálního zařízení. Ať už přecházíte z kanceláře do kavárny, jedete metrem nebo letíte na zahraniční pracovní cestu, tato brašna se stane vaším dobrým parťákem. Ačkoli je brašna dimenzována pro rozměry 14.2“ MacBooku Pro, je zcela kompatibilní s dalšími notebooky a tablety s úhlopříčkou 14,2 palců a méně. Hlavní kapsu na notebook doplňuje prakticky organizovaná velká přední kapsa, do které se vejde veškeré potřebné příslušenství a další pracovní a osobní potřeby. Brašna je velmi lehká a díky měkké rukojeti z veganské kůže či dlouhému popruhu přes rameno vyhovuje i přenášení na delší vzdálenosti. Vysoká ochrana přenášeného zařízení pro společnost Tomtoc představuje zásadní vlastnost jejich produktů. Spodní rohy brašny obsahují pevnou výztuhu a fungují tak jako airbag při nečekaných pádech či nárazech. Vnitřní kapsa na notebook je po všech stranách vystlána pěnovou 3D podšívkou a límec kolem vysoce kvalitních zipů YKK je potažen měkkým flísem. Pevná vnější tkanina je odolná proti polití a taška vydrží dlouhá léta jako nová. • Vysoká ochrana vašeho notebooku • Stylový design • Prakticky organizovaná přední kapsa • 3D pěnová vystýlka • Rukojeť z veganské kůže • Kvalitní komponenty Pozn.: Fotky produktu jsou ilustrační. Produkt může mít drobné barevné rozlišení rukojeti, popruhů a dalších doplňků oproti uvedeným obrázkům. To mě zajímá

Megrendelve a gyártótól

tomtoc Premium Briefcase – 14" MacBook Pro (2021), Gray

Vysoce kvalitní materiály, dokonalá ochrana vašeho notebooku a precizní designérské zpracování - to je brašna Tomtoc H21. Ať už se chystáte na každodenní jízdu autobusem nebo pracovní cestu do zahraničí, Tomtoc se stane vašim věrným spolucestujícím. Ačkoli je brašna Tomtoc dimenzována především pro 14“ MacBook Pro, skvěle padne i dalším notebookům a tabletům s úhlopříčkou 14“ a méně. Většina majitelů brašny docení především promyšlený organizační systém, který nabízí čtyři dostatečně velké kapsy s vysoce bezpečnými zipy YKK a magnetickým zapínáním. Všechny kapsy jsou podšity měkkým, jemným flísem, který zařízení chrání před nárazem i poškrábáním. Kromě vašeho laptopu brašna pojme mnoho dalších věcí, ať už hovoříme o příslušenství nebo každodenních osobních potřebách. O bezpečnost přenášeného zařízení se postarají vyztužené spodní rohy brašny, které váš notebook či tablet ochrání i při sebevětších nárazech. Brašna je extrémně lehká a díky delším popruhům a pohodlné rukojeti z veganské kůže nepřekáží ani při delších cestách. • Elegance • Promyšlený organizační systém • Vyztužené rohy • Kvalitní materiály • Bezpečné zapínání • Pohodlné nošení Pozn.: Fotky produktu jsou ilustrační. Produkt může mít drobné barevné rozlišení rukojeti, popruhů a dalších doplňků oproti uvedeným obrázkům. To mě zajímá

Megrendelve a gyártótól

tomtoc Briefcase – 16" MacBook Pro (2021)/ 15,3" MacBook Air, Black

Sophisticated design, use of quality materials and high protection for your laptop or tablet - this is the universal Tomtoc briefcase for 16 "MacBook Pro. Give yourself and your equipment a real luxury. Although the Tomtoc universal briefcase is designed for a 16” MacBook Pro, it is suitable for most devices with a size of 16 inches or less. Thanks to the inconspicuous black colour and timeless design, it fits both the suit and leisure outfit. In addition to a large laptop pocket, it contains a spacious front pocket with a sophisticated layout for storing all accessories and personal needs. The universal Tomtoc A14 briefcase offers high protection of the transported device. The lower corners are firmly reinforced in the event of an impact or fall, and the inside of the pocket is lined with a thick but fine fleece layer to prevent the device from being scratched. The intelligent solution for the side opening of the main pocket will help you protect your laptop from theft in crowded vehicles, and the upper fabric will not let you drop even on rainy days. Despite the high quality of the materials, the bag is light and thanks to the soft vegan leather handle, it is great to wear even at longer distances. • Quality materials • Safe side opening • Practical organization of pockets • Perfect protection • User friendliness • Compatible with 16-inch or smaller devices Note: Product pictures are illustrative. Product may have slight colour variations in handles, straps and other accessories compared to the pictures shown. To mě zajímá


ShiftCam LensUltra iPhone 16 Pro Case, Midnight

Don't waste time preparing your iPhone 16 to take breathtaking pictures! ShiftCam's new case fits it like a glove, without having to annoyingly align the perforations for the lens system. It eliminates unwanted vignetting and has another feature that will get mobile photography enthusiasts' hearts racing - an integrated lens mount for the complete ShiftCam LensUltra series! The sleek case is made from 100% recycled polyester. Worried about the fabric getting dirty? You don't have to! The case has been designed to be washable under running water or even in the dishwasher. It will always look great with minimal effort on your part. Recycled aluminum has been used for the side button covers. They click gently with each press, enhancing the tactile experience and providing discreet feedback that you'll especially appreciate during quick actions. The case gives your phone superior protection, even when dropped from a height of 2 metres. It is fully compatible with wireless charging, including Qi2 and MagSafe charging. You can still enjoy this functionality without having to remove the case. A significant improvement that the iPhone 16 series case brings is 1.5x stronger built-in magnets. These ensure a secure and reliable connection to other ShiftCam accessories at all times. With just a snap, you can build an entire ecosystem to make your creative work easier and of higher quality. Can you imagine a more convenient solution? To mě zajímá


Flic Button – Expansion Kit, white

Structure your life with buttons instead of using different apps or complicated voice commands! Flic is a small, coin-sized tool that helps you simplify your daily routine. This set of 5 buttons is great for expanding your already established configuration. All members of your family can use the Flic buttons, including the little ones. Simply press, double-click, and hold to trigger preset actions. This makes them much more intuitive, easier, and faster to use than apps or voice assistants. You can use each button for a different purpose, for example, to control the lights, control the music, operate the window blinds, or activate routine/automatic functions. The kit comes with a sheet of stickers so you can more easily identify which button is in charge of what. You can place them anywhere. They are powered by a replaceable cell battery, so they don't need to be plugged into a wall outlet. Flic is compatible with over 1,000 devices and services, including HomeKit, Amazon Alexa, Bose, Deezer, Homey, and IFTTT. A huge advantage is its integration into Matter – a revolutionary communication standard for smart home devices that allows seamless communication between devices from different manufacturers. The Flic & Matter connection allows you to control an even wider range of devices through a single, unified system. Because of its versatility, the Flic button will find its place not only in the home but also in the office. It can also help you run your business in a wide variety of fields. As a pro, if you have your own app, you can even integrate the buttons into it! • Expansion set of 5 buttons and stickers • 3 ways to control • Multiplatform connectivity • Supports Matter technology • Compatible with over 1,000 devices and services • Replaceable battery lasts 3 years To mě zajímá


Flic Button – Starter Kit, white

Structure your life with buttons instead of using different apps or complicated voice commands! Flic is a small, coin-sized tool that helps you simplify your daily routine. Along with it in this starter kit, you'll get the Flic Hub to easily take control of your smart home. The Flic button is ingenious and simple at the same time. All members of your family can use it, including the little ones. With a trivial push, double-push, and hold, it triggers pre-set actions. For example, it can control the lights in your home - turning them off/on, changing their brightness, color, saturation, or switching light scenes. It takes care of your music background, letting you play with its volume and choose between speakers and sources. It can control the blinds, garage door, thermostat, start the coffee machine, or robotic vacuum cleaner. All in a way that's much more intuitive, easier, and faster than apps or voice assistants. Plus, you can place the wireless button virtually anywhere. It's powered by a replaceable button battery, so it doesn't need to be plugged into a power outlet. Flic is compatible with more than 1,000 devices and services, including HomeKit, Amazon Alexa, Bose, Deezer, Homey, and IFTTT. A huge advantage is its integration into Matter. Because of its versatility, it will find its place not only at home but also in the office. It will also help you with your business in a wide variety of fields. If you, as a pro, have your own app, you can even integrate the button into it! • 3 ways to control • Suitable for less tech-savvy users as well as technology enthusiasts • Multiplatform connectivity • Supports Matter technology • Compatible with over 1,000 devices and services • Replaceable battery lasts 3 years To mě zajímá


Flic Twist – Starter Kit, white

Flic Twist is the perfect smart home controller for everyone. It can control connected smart devices and trigger preset actions with just a press or twist! Imagine how a completely banal button push controls your home's lights - turning them off or on, changing their brightness, color, saturation, or switching light scenes. Or how easy it is to turn it to adjust the musical scenery, play with its volume, and choose between speakers and sources. But Flic Twist can also control your blinds, garage door, thermostat, start your coffee machine or robotic vacuum cleaner. And these are just a few examples, as it is compatible with more than 1,000 devices and services! You'll love the Flic button, even if you otherwise struggle with tech gadgets! It's much more intuitive, easier, and faster to use than apps or voice assistants. Plus, you can place it virtually anywhere you want to have it handy. It's powered by 2 batteries, so it doesn't need to be plugged into a power outlet. Are you adept at modern technology? Then you'll love the integration of Flic into Matter. It will allow you to control an even wider range of devices through a single, unified system. You get real freedom in customizing your home and automating it. The Flic Twist button requires the Flic Hub to operate. It is included in this starter kit. • 4 ways of control • Suitable for less tech-savvy users as well as technology enthusiasts • Selector with up to 12 presets • Multi-platform connectivity • Supports Matter technology • Compatible with over 1000 devices and services • Replaceable batteries last 2 years To mě zajímá


Bebird X1+ – Smart Visual Ear-Clean Rod, black

Ear cleaning with cotton buds is outdated and even dangerous. Yet most people perform ear hygiene just like that. Bebird has developed a tool that makes earwax removal more effective, gentler, and, most importantly, risk-free. Meet the X1+, a professional ear canal cleaner with an HD camera. It wirelessly transmits a full view of your ear canal to your phone while you safely and effectively remove sebum with the silicone head. The transmitted image is high-quality thanks to the camera's 3Mpx resolution and 20 frames per second transmission rate. Ear canal illumination and a six-axis gyroscope enhance the visuals and provide a stable image during cleaning. You will be able to save the acquired photos and videos on your phone for subsequent detailed control. The camera lens is waterproof, dustproof, and fogproof. You can easily clean it with water, so using the device remains hygienic even when you share it with your family. The Bebird X1+ is equipped with 12 different types of silicone or plastic tips. Although it is primarily designed for earwax removal, it can also be used for mouth and nose hygiene. The cleaner has a compact size and is very lightweight. It comes with an accessory storage case. It makes it convenient to take the kit with you anytime and anywhere. To mě zajímá

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Bebird T15 – Smart Visual Ear-Clean Rod, black

Why perform ear hygiene blindly when there's the Bebird - a professional earwax remover equipped with an HD camera! It wirelessly transmits a full view of your ear to your phone while you safely and effectively remove earwax using the silicone head. The transmitted image is in true quality thanks to the camera's high 5Mpx resolution and advanced 1080P CMOS sensor. The illumination of the ear canal and the six-axis gyroscope contribute to a better visual experience, providing a stable and clear image during hygiene. You'll be able to save the captured images and videos to your phone for close control. The camera lens is waterproof, dustproof, and fogproof. It's easy to clean with water or alcohol, so using the device remains hygienic, even when sharing it with family. The Bebird T15 is equipped with several different types of silicone tips. In addition to ear hygiene, you can also use them to clean and inspect your mouth and nose. Also included is a special attachment for cleaning pores and removing comedones with minimal risk of infection transmission. The compact-sized earwax cleaner with a camera comes with an accessory storage case, so you can take it with you anytime and anywhere. It's made of durable aluminum and plastic to withstand everyday use and potential accidents – like dropping it on a hard bathroom floor. To mě zajímá

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