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Danalock V3 universal module - Bluetooth
The universal module is the perfect solution for controlling electronic devices and drives such as garage doors, electronic locks or other real estate equipment via a smartphone. Install the module in an electronic drive and enjoy maximum convenience of wireless access control
Thanks to this small box makes it possible to turn a garage door into a smart door and comfortably operate it reliably via your smartphone and Danalock from anywhere.
You no longer have to search for keys and controllers when you arrive or leave home - you can unlock or lock with your phone or just make sure it's locked on the way to work with a single click.
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Equa Smart – okospalack, Pink Blush
A legelegánsabb okospalack mely nemes anyagok és harmónikus színek tökéletes ötvözete nemcsak esztétikus, de funkcionalitás tekintetében is kiemelkedő.
Az Equa okospalack igénye szerint hidegen vagy épp melegen tartja kedvenc italát, mindemellett elegáns jelzőberendezésével segít az optimális folyadékbevitel szabályozásában.
Az Equa okospalack sehol nem marad észrevétlen! A praktikus 680 ml-es palack rozsdamentes acélból készült, dupla rétegű borítással rendelkezik.
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iHealth NEO BP5s – Okos vérnyomásmérő kijelzővel
A szükséges eszközök állandó elő- és visszapakolászása illetve az eredmények megfelelő nyomonkövetésével járó nyűg miatt a rendszeres vérnyomásmérés sok ember számára jelent kellemetlen feladatot. Az iHealth vérnyomásmérője azonban nem csupán egy precíz mérőeszköz, kialakítása és működése is épp az előbb említett terhet kívánja csökkenteni használói számára.
Elődeivel ellentétben, a Neo vérnyomásmérő egy, az Európai Hypertonia Társaság által elismert, CE-jelöléssel rendelkező könnyedén karra rögzíthető kötésen elhelyezett kijelzőn keresztül azonnal mutatja a mért eredményeket, melyeket a MyVitals applikációval könnyedén nyomon is követhet.
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Cololight MIX
A Cololight Wi-Fi hálózaton keresztül működő okos moduláris hangulatvilágítás. Élénkítse fel okos otthona belső tereit a 16 millió színlehetőség egyikével vagy ezek ötvözetével!
Igazítsa a fényeket aktuális hangulatához, megteremtve ezzel a lehető legkellemesebb környezetet munkához, kikapcsolódáshoz vagy feltöltődéshez egyaránt.
Az okostelefonjára telepített alkalmazás segítségével Wi-Fi hálózaton keresztül könnyedén irányíthatja a modulárisan összekapcsolható hatszögeket, akár Siri, Alexa vagy Google asszisztensen keresztül. Az RGB LED diódák segítségével pillanatok alatt betölti belső tereit az ön által választott hangulatfény, mely segítségével az önkifejezés és az egyedi stílus új szintre emelkedik.
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Anyware Smart Wi-Fi Adaptor With Security Sensors – E27/E14
Are you excited by the idea of a smart home with electronics that make your life easier? However, you don’t want to deal with the complicated selection, installation, and high price? Then you will find the ideal solution in Anyware smart Wi-Fi lamp adaptor with security sensors.
Just screw the smart Wi-Fi lamp adaptor with 3 sensors into the existing light socket and you can immediately take advantage of the preset scenes that take care of your comfort and safety. The basic package includes 3 scenes - burglary prevention, indoor climate monitoring and energy saving mode.
Anyware is a lamp adaptor from E27 to E14 LED. There is no need to interfere with the wiring and no additional receivers are needed. Anyware has built-in Wi-Fi, temperature, humidity and sound sensors. Your smartphone will work as a remote with a free app.
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Start by iHealth csuklóra helyezhető automata vérnyomásmérő
The iHealth Start automatic wrist pressure monitor is an irreplaceable aid in blood pressure monitoring. You can fully rely on the home measurement results on the Start tonometer because the device is approved as a medical device and has undergone clinical testing.
The pressure monitor measures actual values of systole, diastole and pulmonary artery pulse. An alert in case of an irregular heartbeat and the blood pressure rating scale recommended by WHO will help you take better care of your health.
The pressure monitor is available for purchase at selected business partners.
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iHealth PUSH – Csuklóra helyezhető okos-vérnyomásmérő
Nem méri a vérnyomását olyan gyakran, mint ahogy kellene? A szükséges eszközök állandó elő- és visszapakolászása illetve az eredmények megfelelő nyomonkövetésével járó nyűg miatt a rendszeres vérnyomásmérés sok ember számára jelent kellemetlen feladatot. Az iHealth gondolkodik a mérések pontosságáról, valamint a nyomásmérő egyszerű használhatóságáról is.
A csuklóra helyezett vérnyomásmérőjének bekapcsolásával megmérheti szisztolés és diasztolés értékeit, valamint pulzusát. A készülék a kötésen elhelyezett kijelzőn keresztül azonnal mutatja a mért eredményeket, melyeket a MyVitals applikációval könnyedén nyomon is követhet.
Az iHealth Push csuklóra helyezhető okos-vérnyomásmérő CE tanúsítvánnyal ellátott orvostechnikai eszköz.
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Danalock V3 set – Smart Lock With Cylinder Insert – Bluetooth & Homekit
Where are my keys? You don’t have think about that ever again. Leave your worries about the keys and securing the door to the smart Danalock V3 lock. Together with an adjustable cylinder insert Gerda, the lock will provide you with the highest security class. All in complete comfort and with an overview of the lock’s use.
The complete set for home security includes everything you need to mount the whole system, which doesn’t take more than an hour. The Danaock V3 security lock fits all common types of doors and you can install the adjustable Gerda insert on a wide security door.
The lock, cylinder insert, and application all boast with the highest security classes for the given categories. But Danalock also thinks of the ease of operation and assembly. All you have to do is to purchase appropriate security doors and adjust the number and range of access.
Danalock perfectly complements any design thanks to clean and minimalist design. Functionality in every detail is complemented by anodised aluminium design with scratch-resistant finish.
The lock is only compatible with iOS and watchOS. To integrate Danalock V3 into your Homekit smart home application, you will use a set of Bluetooth-enabled version with Homekit protocol.
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ExoGear ExoMount Ultra - Car Holder For Smartphones
The Universal ExoMount Ultra Holder is designed for all phones with a 3.5 to 6 inch diagonal screen with or without protective case. The most powerful suction technology in the world ExoSeal keeps the holder on a car dashboard or other surface, even on highly porous or rounded surfaces. The rubber bolt allows you to lock the phone at any angle and tilt. You will always have the phone display at the optimal viewing angle. Install the phone in the holder with one hand by simply pushing one of the jaws of the brackets and just remove the phone from the holder the same way. Heavily padded jaws of the ExoMount Ultra Holder work reliably even in the sharpest bends of the bumpiest paths.
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ExoMount Magnet Air Ventilation Holder - For Smartphones
The universal magnetic holder of ExoMount Magnet Air mobile phones is suitable for any mobile phone in almost any protective cover or without it. The bracket is installed into the ventilation grid using an adjustable width clamp. It is fitted with rubber pads and a locking screw to prevent release of the holder. To attach the phone, you only need to stick a thin metal plate under the protective case or stick a smaller pad directly onto the phone if you do not use the protective case. The strong magnetic head moves the phone immediately when it comes to the holder and, along with the rubber pads, keeps the phone in place even on the sharpest bends.
The holder can be locked at any angle thanks to the flexible spherical pin and its height can be adjusted thanks to the pair of hinges with locking buttons. Your device will therefore be set at the best possible viewing angle while driving.
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LifeSmart Motion Sensor
Do you really want to be in control of your home? The LifeSmart motion sensor will make that wish come true. With 120° detection, your home will surpass its current capabilities.
The LifeSmart motion sensor uses a light sensor and professional PIR technology, or passive infrared sensors that pick up heat accumulation in a space. Once the sensors detect motion, the device sends an alert to your smartphone or tablet.
The sensor offers day and night mode. If you enter a dark room, the sensor will automatically illuminate it. With the LifeSmart Smart Station, you can pair it with your Smart Home camera and watch what is going on in your house yourself.
The minimalist design of the sensor fits into any interior. Thanks to its easy installation and wireless connection, it can be placed almost anywhere.
• Pair with a SMART HOME camera
• Automatic lighting
• PIR technology
• Viewing angle 120°
• Compatible with Apple HomeKit and Amazon Alexa
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LifeSmart Water Leakage Sensor
The LifeSmart water leak sensor will keep your home safe. Whether you are at home, at work or on holiday, you do not have to worry about any leak.
The sensor uses a highly reliable probe and a processor with very low power consumption for detection. If it detects any water leak, it will immediately send a notification to your mobile phone. You can control it at home via Apple HomeKit or Google Assistant voice assistants.
The device is stylish, compact and does not interfere with the interior design of your home or office. Thanks to its easy installation, it is suitable for all properties; houses, apartments, offices or warehouses.
Keep your home under control.
• Send notifications to your smartphone
• Control via mobile application
• High reliability
• Compatible with Apple HomeKit, Google Assistant
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LifeSmart Smart Home Starter Kit
Simplify your life. The LifeSmart smart starter kit automates routine tasks and takes care of your safety. Create a small functional ecosystem at your home.
The LifeSmart starter kit includes a Central Smart Station, a window and door sensor, a motion sensor, an environment sensor, and a smart button for compact operation. The products are selected so that you can take full advantage of the possibilities of their interconnection. When you come home, the motion sensor sends a signal and automatically triggers all the necessary actions. During your absence, the sensors will guard your home from an uninvited visit and will send a notification to your phone in case of any suspicious events.
All smart devices are wirelessly connected and thanks to the long signal range, you can control them from anywhere. You control everything through the mobile application on your phone or Apple HomeKit voice assistant. When you come home, all you have to do is say "Hello Siri" and set all the functions according to your current needs.
The starter set excels in quality workmanship and minimalist design. The battery lasts all year round and thanks to easy installation you can place the device almost anywhere in the home or office. Let your household work for you.
• Pair all devices
• Innovative technologies
• Minimalist design
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LifeSmart Switch Module (two inputs)
Controlling the home has never been easier. LifeSmart CUBE Smart switch module allows you to automate all the features of your home.
The highly variable Smart LifeSmart switch module is compatible with 80, 86, 120 and many other switches. You can set a timer in the application to automate most of the smart features of your home or office. Thanks to the long range of the wireless signal, you have all features under control, even from work or vacation.
Use the LifeSmart Smart Station to connect the module to up to 500 other smart devices. The CUBE switch module is available in two variants, with one or two inputs. It can be easily controlled via the LifeSmart App mobile app or by voice commands through your favourite voice assistants.
The innovative technology is completed by a precise minimalist timeless design that fits into any interior. Thanks to its easy installation, it can be placed almost anywhere. Turn classic switches into intelligent switches and automate the operation of your home.
• Control via mobile application
• Pair with other devices
• Timer
• Compatible with Apple HomeKit, Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa
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LifeSmart CUBE Switch Module (one input)
Controlling the home has never been easier. LifeSmart CUBE Smart switch module allows you to automate all the features of your home.
The highly variable Smart LifeSmart switch module is compatible with 80, 86, 120 and many other switches. You can set a timer in the application to automate most of the smart features of your home or office. Thanks to the long range of the wireless signal, you have all features under control, even from work or vacation.
Use the LifeSmart Smart Station to connect the module to up to 500 other smart devices. The CUBE switch module is available in two variants, with one or two inputs. It can be easily controlled via the LifeSmart App mobile app or by voice commands through your favourite voice assistants.
The innovative technology is completed by a precise minimalist timeless design that fits into any interior. Thanks to its easy installation, it can be placed almost anywhere. Turn classic switches into intelligent switches and automate the operation of your home.
• Control via mobile application
• Pair with other devices
• Timer
• Compatible with Apple HomeKit, Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa
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