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Faitron HeatsBox Inner Dish Set
Complete your favorite HeatsBox lunchboxes with a set of inner dishes. They'll make it easy to prepare meals for multiple days ahead or help you provide warm meals for the whole family.
High-quality, strong, stylish stainless steel and hardened plastic dishes are compatible with all types of HeatsBox heaters. They allow you to prepare multiple meals, which you place directly in the dishes in the warmer. Thanks to the perfect seal and lightweight, the dishes can also be used as an everyday snack box. They have a removable inner compartment divider that prevents the main course from mixing with a side dish or salad.
The dishes have been designed to the last detail. The materials used are food-grade certified and remain completely safe for health, even when heated to higher temperatures. After use, it's easy to wash them easily with other dishes.
• Ideal when using the HeatsBox for a group of people
• A suitable supplement for providing all-day hot meals
• Simplifies food preparation for several days ahead
• Quality materials
• Leakproof
• Compatible with all types of HeatsBox STYLE, Heatsbox STYLE+, Heatsbox GO, Heatsbox PRO
• Warranty: 2 years
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iHealth Nexus Pro – Smart Body Analysis Scale
Design and convenient weighing won't be the only reasons why the iHealth Nexus Pro will become an integral part of your bathroom. The smart personal scale, or body analyzer if you prefer, measures 11 other important body indicators along with weight, including BMI, bone mass, body and organ fat, basal metabolic rate, metabolic age, and heart rate.
The data collected is automatically processed by the accompanying iHealth MyVitals app. Clearly displayed data and settings of your goals will help you effectively achieve your dream fitness and better control over your health.
The Nexus Pro smart scale meets the conditions of health device certification and is safe to use even for pregnant women. Secure free storage allows you to conveniently share data with your doctor or family.
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Vivoo Urine Test
Listen to the voice of your body! Vivoo is here to help you with personalized advice to improve your wellness practices and live a fuller, healthier life. There's only one thing standing between you and all that – a home urine test!
It couldn't be easier – you know what to do with your test strip. Once used, scan it in the app and wait a moment for your score. What's your hydration level? Do you have adequate magnesium intake? What is the pH of your urine? And what's your ketones level? Vivoo monitors 9 important parameters that fundamentally affect our health and overall well-being.
Home testing offers an unparalleled level of privacy and convenience. Within 90 seconds, you get real-time data about your body, an overview of key nutrient levels, and information about potential health risks. Most importantly, you'll receive helpful nutrition and lifestyle recommendations specific to your needs. Repeat the test every week and watch the positive impact of the changes you are making. Vivoo works with qualified doctors, dietitians, and nutritionists to ensure the advice is truly informed. The accuracy of these test strips has been verified by clinical tests by independent laboratories.
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Vivoo Urine Test, 12 units
Listen to the voice of your body! Vivoo is here to help you with personalized advice to improve your wellness practices and live a fuller, healthier life. There's only one thing standing between you and all that – a home urine test!
It couldn't be easier – you know what to do with your test strip. Once used, scan it in the app and wait a moment for your score. What's your hydration level? Do you have adequate magnesium intake? What is the pH of your urine? And what's your ketones level? Vivoo monitors 9 important parameters that fundamentally affect our health and overall well-being.
Home testing offers an unparalleled level of privacy and convenience. Within 90 seconds, you get real-time data about your body, an overview of key nutrient levels, and information about potential health risks. Most importantly, you'll receive helpful nutrition and lifestyle recommendations specific to your needs. Repeat the test every week and watch the positive impact of the changes you are making. Vivoo works with qualified doctors, dietitians, and nutritionists to ensure the advice is truly informed. The accuracy of these test strips has been verified by clinical tests by independent laboratories.
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Vivoo Urine Test, 4 units
Listen to the voice of your body! Vivoo is here to help you with personalized advice to improve your wellness practices and live a fuller, healthier life. There's only one thing standing between you and all that – a home urine test!
It couldn't be easier – you know what to do with your test strip. Once used, scan it in the app and wait a moment for your score. What's your hydration level? Do you have adequate magnesium intake? What is the pH of your urine? And what's your ketones level? Vivoo monitors 9 important parameters that fundamentally affect our health and overall well-being.
Home testing offers an unparalleled level of privacy and convenience. Within 90 seconds, you get real-time data about your body, an overview of key nutrient levels, and information about potential health risks. Most importantly, you'll receive helpful nutrition and lifestyle recommendations specific to your needs. Repeat the test every week and watch the positive impact of the changes you are making. Vivoo works with qualified doctors, dietitians, and nutritionists to ensure the advice is truly informed. The accuracy of these test strips has been verified by clinical tests by independent laboratories.
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Bluetens Power Pack for Abdominals
Mindannyian egészséges és erős hasizmokat szeretnénk. Ki ne szeretne szép és feszes hasizmokat, amelyek minden férfi büszkeségei, és nem csak nyáron a strandon. Manapság kevés embernek van motivációja arra, hogy foglalkozzon a törzsével. Pedig ez a súlyzós edzés legfontosabb része, mert az erős törzs nagyszerű támaszt nyújt az összes többi izomnak. A Bluetens Power Pack nagyszerű választás, hiszen nemcsak maga az edzés során segít ebben, hanem a megerőltető edzés utáni regenerálódást is felgyorsítja. Tudja a legjobbat és fejlődjön minden nap a megnövekedett izomterhelési hatékonyságnak köszönhetően.
A Power Pack tartalmaz egy elektrostimulátort, övcsipeszt, kábelt és speciálisan kialakított ABS elektródákat, amelyek segítik a hasizmok fejlődését. Az alkalmazáshoz egy speciális, sportszakértők által létrehozott opciót adtunk hozzá, hogy acélból készült hasizmokat kapj!
A Bluetens elektródák kiváló minőségűek és a legjobb vezetőképességgel rendelkeznek. Egy csomag csereelektróda 3 db 2 darabos elektróda készletet tartalmaz a hasizmokhoz. Az elektrostimulátorral végzett edzés rengeteg krónikus és akut fájdalmat old meg a fájdalomcsillapítók terhe nélkül. Segít javítani a sportteljesítményt és enyhíti az izomfeszültséget.
A Bluetens Power Pack verhetetlen előnyei:
• Hatékony 4 hét alatt
• Hagyja, hogy az alkalmazás vezesse Önt: válassza ki a szintet, gyakoroljon, regenerálódjon, majd nyújtson.
• Ergonomikusan kialakított elektródák, amelyek alkalmazkodnak a hasizmok alakjához
• Integrált videók a fizikai gyakorlatok elvégzéséhez si
• Complete kit including electrostimulator
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Bluetens Power Kit Extension for Abdominals
Szeretne határozott hasizmokat? Edzését és étrendjét kiegészítheti az elektroterápiával. A Bluetens hasizomkészletet kifejezetten erre az izomcsoportra tervezték, és segít az erősítésében és rehabilitációjában. Használata a leghatékonyabb edzés közben vagy egy kemény edzés után a gyorsabb regenerálódás érdekében. Az elektromos stimuláció számos krónikus és akut fájdalmat is kezel, fájdalomcsillapítók használata nélkül. Segít javítani a sportteljesítményt és enyhíti az izomfeszültséget.
Az Expansion Power Kit övcsipeszt, kábelt és 3 pár ergonomikusan formázott elektródát tartalmaz - ezért olyan felhasználók számára is alkalmas, akik már rendelkeznek elektrostimulátorral. Az elektroterápiát a Bluetens Get Better alkalmazás támogatja, amelyet sportszakértők fejlesztettek ki. Hagyja, hogy az alkalmazás vezesse Önt - válassza ki a szintet, végezze el a gyakorlatot, majd nyújtson. Az elektroterápiával egyidejűleg széles videoadatbázis segít a fizikai gyakorlatok helyes végrehajtásában.
Az elektródák többször is használhatók, és 20-30 használatig megőrzik vezetőképességüket. Hosszabb távú működőképességüket száraz, tiszta bőrre felhelyezve támogathatja. Tárolja őket eredeti, újrazárható tartályukban, hogy megakadályozza a vezető gél kiszáradását.
• Bővítő készlet az abs-hez
• Ergonomikusan kialakított elektródák, kiváló minőségben
• Kiváló vezetőképesség
• 20-30 használatig tart
• Hatékony 4 hét alatt
• A társalkalmazás támogatása
• Videók az elektrostimulációval egyidejűleg végzett fizikai gyakorlatok elvégzéséhez
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Bluetens Spare Electrodes for Abdominals
Szeretne határozott hasizmokat? Edzését és diétáját kiegészítheti ennek az izomcsoportnak az elektrostimulációjával. Az elektrostimuláció nemcsak az erősítésében, hanem a rehabilitációjában is segít. Használata a leghatékonyabb az edzés közben vagy egy megerőltető edzés után a gyorsabb regenerálódás érdekében. Az elektrostimuláció számos krónikus és akut fájdalmat is enyhít fájdalomcsillapítók használata nélkül. Segít javítani a sportteljesítményt és oldja az izomfeszültséget.
Ez a készlet 3 pár Bluetens tartalék elektródát tartalmaz a hasizmokhoz. Az elektródák és a gél kiváló minőségűek és kiváló vezetőképességgel rendelkeznek. Allergénmentes anyagokból készültek, és úgy tervezték őket, hogy az elektroterápia során jobb legyen a vezetőképesség és az áramelosztás. A használatukra és elhelyezésükre vonatkozó pontos utasításokat a Bluetens Get Better alkalmazásban találja.
Az elektródák többször is használhatók, és 20-30 használatig megőrzik vezetőképességüket. Támogassa hosszabb távú működőképességüket száraz, tiszta bőrre történő felhelyezéssel. Tárolja őket eredeti, újrazárható tartályukban, hogy megakadályozza a vezető gél kiszáradását.
• Tartalék elektródakészlet abs
• Ergonomikusan kialakított, kiváló minőségű
• Kiváló vezetőképesség
• 20-30 használatig tart
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STRAFFR Smart Band - Strong
Do you want to get fit but don't have the time or space to exercise? Are you often on the go? Or simply do not know how to do it? The smart STRAFFR fitness rubber will crush every possible excuse to the last one! Just download the free companion app, connect this smart exercise tool to it and get ready to work up a good sweat!
STRAFFR offers you everything:
• All 5 skills in one - strength, endurance, speed, agility and coordination
• A workout truly for everyone, without distinction!
• Exercise under the supervision of professional athletes
• Smart live feedback technology
• Don't lose a minute of your life through incorrect exercise
• Absolute German quality thanks to German engineers
• Made of premium medical grade silicone
• App with a rich database of practice workouts
• Resistance range 15 - 25 kg
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STRAFFR Smart Band - Medium
Do you want to get fit but don't have the time or space to exercise? Are you often on the go? Or simply do not know how to do it? The smart STRAFFR fitness rubber will crush every possible excuse to the last one! Just download the free companion app, connect this smart exercise tool to it and get ready to work up a good sweat!
STRAFFR offers you everything:
• All 5 skills in one - strength, endurance, speed, agility and coordination
• A workout truly for everyone, without distinction!
• Exercise under the supervision of professional athletes
• Smart live feedback technology
• Don't lose a minute of your life through incorrect exercise
• Absolute German quality thanks to German engineers
• Made of premium medical grade silicone
• App with a rich database of practice workouts
• Resistance range 5 - 15 kg
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Faitron HeatsBox PRO Smart Heated Lunch Box
The HeatsBox PRO smart meal warmer brings a professional and elegant solution to eating out. Finally, you can enjoy tasty, healthy food in the highest possible quality whenever and wherever you feel like it.
It is heated to the right temperature by gentle natural heating rather than being exposed to microwave radiation. This method of heating is by far the best for your health as it protects important vitamins and other health benefits from being lost. HeatsBox PRO also saves our planet. It heats any food within 25 minutes on low power and then keeps it at the ideal temperature for as long as you need. Simply set everything up in the free mobile app. The food in the box heats up evenly, so unpleasantly cold bits won't spoil the experience.
Innovative materials and their high-quality workmanship guarantee pleasant use and user safety. A temperature control sensor constantly monitors the temperature of the heating and the material itself to prevent fire or burns to the user. The HeatsBox PRO is compact and compact and can be used not only in the office, but for example during a business trip, at the cottage or on a camping holiday. Maximum functionality is furthermore complemented by a stylish, timeless design.
• Supports all-day hot meals
• Heating food without a microwave
• Heats the food evenly
• Food ready in 15-25 min
• Reduces the risk of vitamin loss
• Maximum temperature up to 85 °C
• Even heating of the food
• Detailed control through an app on your phone
• High security, quality materials
• Low power consumption
• Designed and developed in Switzerland
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Faitron HeatsBox LIFE Smart Heated Lunch Box
Finally, there is the HeatsBox LIFE - a warming lunch box inspired by the healthy Japanese Bentó (Bentóbako - 弁当箱) style of eating. The Japanese are one of the people with the longest active life expectancy on the planet, so why not take a cue from them? As part of the Bentó style of eating, they like to bring food to work, school, and on trips. In portable boxes made from a variety of natural materials, they usually have rice, vegetables, soy sauce, meat or fish and other combinations of ingredients.
Just connect the HeatsBox LIFE to a power source with the included cable and easily set the meal heating parameters in the free mobile app. The smart box will evenly heat any food in 15 to 25 minutes, with minimal energy consumption. Plus, it will continuously keep it warm for as long as you need it. It comes with cutlery so you can easily keep everything in one place. That's what smart Bentó eating is also about!
The patented HeatsBox LIFE was developed and engineered in Switzerland, under the hands of the best technological masters. Only these lunch boxes run like a Swiss watch every time you're craving a healthy meal. Discover a whole world of benefits with them!
• Healthy Japanese style of eating Bentó (Bentóbako - 弁当箱)
• Supports all-day hot meals
• Heating food without a microwave
• Food ready in 15-25 min
• Reduces the risk of vitamin loss
• Maximum temperature up to 85 °C
• Even heating of the food
• Detailed control through an app on your phone
• High security, quality materials
• Low power consumption
• Designed and developed in Switzerland
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Faitron HeatsBox GO Battery Powered Smart Heated Lunch Box
Enjoy warm meals whenever you feel like it with the smart HeatsBox GO. Unlike a microwave, it works based on natural heating only. This method won't take away valuable vitamins, so it's best for your health.
HeatsBox GO also saves the planet. It heats any food on low power for up to 25 minutes and then keeps it at the ideal temperature for as long as you need. Set everything up easily with the free mobile app. Innovative materials and high-quality workmanship guarantee pleasant usage and perfect user safety. A temperature control sensor constantly monitors the temperature of the heating and the material itself to prevent fire or burns to the user.
The HeatsBox GO is compact, portable, and serves at home or in the office, for example, during a business trip, at the cottage, or on a summer camping holiday. The availability of electricity will no longer limit you. This model has an integrated battery to ensure that nothing stands in the way of your hot meals all day.
• Supports all-day warm meals
• Microwave-free reheating
• Battery operation
• Food ready in 15-25 min
• Reduces the risk of vitamin loss
• Maximum temperature up to 85°C
• Even heating of food
• Detailed app control on mobile phone
• High-safety, high-quality materials
• Low energy consumption
• Designed and developed in Switzerland
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Equa Smart – smart bottle, steel, Latte
A legelegánsabb okospalack mely nemes anyagok és harmónikus színek tökéletes ötvözete nemcsak esztétikus, de funkcionalitás tekintetében is kiemelkedő.
Az Equa okospalack igénye szerint hidegen vagy épp melegen tartja kedvenc italát, mindemellett elegáns jelzőberendezésével segít az optimális folyadékbevitel szabályozásában.
Az Equa okospalack sehol nem marad észrevétlen! A praktikus 680 ml-es palack rozsdamentes acélból készült, dupla rétegű borítással rendelkezik.
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Muggo Inteligent Thermos - Black
Are you having trouble following through with your drinking goals or do you simply like to surround yourself with carefully designed products? Either way, the Muggo Intelligent Thermos will fulfil all your expectations!
This sophisticated intelligent thermos will make your everyday life easier and help you improve your drinking habits. You can check the temperature of the drink by simply pressing the LED touch screen on the lid of the thermos. Set the ideal time frequency for you and the thermos will alert you whenever enough time has passed since your last drink.
The unique design complements the precise processing of high-quality stainless steel, which, thanks to the double walled feature, maintains the temperature of the drink for 24 hours. The LED display always informs you about the temperature of the drink before taking a sip. In addition, it alerts you via a red button whenever the same drink has been in the thermos for more than 8 hours, so you can be sure that you are only drinking fresh liquids.
The Muggo Intelligent Thermos contains state-of-the-art smart technology integrated directly into the shell of the bottle. So you don't need a mobile app or any other external device to control it. If necessary, you can recharge the internal battery with a high capacity very easily by attaching the adapter to the lid of the thermos.
Staying hydrated has never been easier!
• Stay hydrated easily
• Keeps the temperature of the drink for 24 hours
• Precise processing and design
• LED display
• Volume of 600 ml
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